AMPHTML ads are a better way of building, delivering, and measuring ads that are faster, lighter, and more secure. AMPHTML ads are ads built using AMPHTML and use many of the smart components that make AMP pages fast.

These ads are only delivered after being validated, ensuring that they’re free of malware. Best of all, these ads can be delivered anywhere on the web, not just on AMP pages. AMPHTML ads achieves the goal of making ads themselves as fast as the rest of the AMP page.

AMPHTML ads can serve on both AMP pages and non-AMP pages. This includes both desktop and mobile web environments. There is no frontend visual indication to users that an ad being served is built in AMPHTML versus another type of ad. To Learn More About AMPHTML Ads , you may go through this video.

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Nishu Kumari

Nishu Kumari is the Founder of the website She is a third year law student at Faculty of Law, Delhi University.

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