Chat GPT -4 is new offering from Open AI which had recently launched Chat GPT. Before we can understand the basic features of Chat GPT, GPT-4 has been launched on 14th March 2023.

GPT-4 processing speed is 8X more than GPT-3 .It can process 25000 words . It provides users the ability to have long conversations and content with long format may be made.

According to the sources, the latest chatbot is “more innovative and intelligent than ever before” and may “handle difficult case study based queries problems with higher success rate than CHAT GPT-3.

GPT-3 Was a free conversational AI Version while CHAT GPt-4 is a paid version which comes under Chat GPT PLUS with a Monthly fee of 20$.

CHatGPT-4 is multifunctional in terms of processing Images and Texts and giving relevant outputs according to Image and Texts in a much more nuanced manner than CHAT GPT-3.

In Other Words We Can Say Chat GPT-3 and Chat GPT -4 are just advanced versions of Open-AI which make processing of any kind of complex query faster and easier and much more pertinent than previous launched versions.

To access Chat GPT-3 and ChatGPT-4 you need to go to .For Chat GPT-4 you need to have premium version of Chat GPT, which is CHAT GPT PLUS which will cost you 20$ per Month.

Some major works which has been made possible by ChatGPT-4 is writing Codes for Games, Browser Extensions, Coding for New Website are few big things CHAT GPT can do.

Organizational Funding for CHAT GPT Conversational AI

10 billion $ investment is being done by Microsoft to Open-AI. Google AI service, Bard has already been launched. Baidu Inc. in China is creating its own bot, Ernie. Meituan, Alibaba, and other smaller companies are also in the line to JOIN Conversational AI RACE.

For more such updates keep visiting our Website.

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