Concepts of Programmatic Advertising Part 2

Real Time Bidding in Programmatic Advertising-

Real Time Bidding as the words denote it is a real time buying and selling of Ad Inventories on impression basis .

How Real Time Bidding is executed ? What kind of Platforms are used for management of Real Time Bidding?

Real Time Bidding helps in streamlining the process of buying and selling of Publishers Ad Inventory. It is made possible either through Google Ad Manager (Ad Exchange) or Supply Side Platform (SSP).

What is Supply Side Platform or SSP?

SSP is primarily for Publishers to sell their Ad Inventories/Ad Locations on impression basis on their Publishing Channels . They can be Advertisers or Ad Agencies/ Direct Companies on real time basis . Read about DSPs at

What is Real Time Basis in Real Time Bidding?

Real Time Basis in Real Time Bidding means the buying and selling happens instantaneously on an immediate basis .

How the Buying of Ad inventories and Ad Locations is Managed?

Buying can be done via Demand Side Platforms like Display and Video 360 where bids can be placed on Multiple Publisher Platforms which gets allocated to buyers on Real Time Basis of bids highest bids received.

The Actual Functioning of Real Time Bidding:

The Beauty of Real Time Bidding lies in many things like :

  1. Many Bidders bidding for one particular Ad Location or One Bidder Bidding for Multiple Publisher Ad Locations . Both Process happens simultaneously.
  2. The Inventories can be chose by the Bidders on the basis of their actual advertising needs. Also Segmentation , Geo Targeting, Target audience through Real Time Bidding.
  3. The expenditure on bidding can be controlled on real time basis in Real Time Bidding for Buyers of the Ad Inventory. It gives the buyers the flexibility of achieving better in a tight budget.
  4. On the India’s Largest Rail Ticket Booing Platform IRCTC during Peak Ticket Booking Time the SSP runs auction on the maximum level . It is to attract maximum auctions for Booking Flow A Locations which in turn generates maximum revenue in that period.
  5. The Bids can be Set as Per Unified Pricing Rules via SSP. Maximized Bids Can be placed against the same Unified Pricing Rates by DSPs.
  6. The Prioritization of campaigns can be done for AD Inventories . For Different campaigns different type of campaign priority , type and standardization can be fixed in Real Time Bidding. Like Preferred Deals , PG Deals .

Why Real Time Bidding holds a Pivotal Importance for Buyers as Well as Sellers of Ad Inventory?

  1. For Buyers /Advertisers/ DSPs the significance of serving Ads to the right Audience. The allocated Budget matters more than anything else.
  2. Real Time Bidding helps in materializing the same via giving flexibility in fixing bids. Managing budget/expenses on real time. Giving all type of audience and targeting insights for a particular Ad Location of an Ad Inventory.
  3. For Sellers via SSP and Ad Exchanges Real Time Bidding Helps in Dynamic Ad Allocation. For Premium Ad Inventories , Non Premium Ad Inventories and Remnant Ad Inventories on real time basis.
  4. It helps Publishers in managing the revenue of Ad Inventories. The unfilled impression’s are reduced which helps in reduction of billing. It also helps in proper utilization of Ad Locations available as per the requirement. Bids importance from Advertiser point of view is also followed.
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