Order and Line Items under Google Ad Manager

Creatives in Google Ad Manager is the backbone for setting up any promotional campaign via Google Ad Manager. In this video we will discuss various types of creatives and how such creatives are set up under Google Ad Manager.

Creatives under Order and Line Items in Google Ad Manager. In This Video of Creatives we will show how Creatives are set under Google Ad Manager Line Items. The Type of Creatives Like Display . HTML, Third Party Tag Creatives , Campaign Manager 360 Tag Creatives , Custom Creatives.

We will also talk about VAST Creatives Type of Vast Creatives including Video, Overlay , Audio Creatives.

We will talk about how the creatives can be uploaded Advertiser Wise , how creatives can be uploaded in Bulk Manner.

We will also talk about Ad Review Center Under Creatives where the Ads which are Prioritized For Review, Already Reviewed and Blocked Ads are Shown. We will show How Ads are blocked. Ads which do not follow the standard terms and guidelines of Advertisement made by the Publisher.

How such Ads can be searched via URLs, Images and Screenshots and Can be Blocked Accordingly. Creatives under Order and Line Items in Google Ad Manager form the base of Ad display in programmatic advertising.

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