
Over the past two weeks, Draya Michele, the baby mama of Houston Rockets star Jalen Green, has made multiple headlines. The circumstance is nothing new to the well-known figure on the internet. Michele has been the target of criticism ever since the 39-year-old Green and the 22-year-old Green began their relationship.

According to the opinions of many people, Jalen Green, who is the same age as Draya Michele’s oldest son, Nicko Howard Junior, is being taken advantage of. The Houston Rockets star is many years younger than the TV personality and influencer, thus some have labeled their relationship as predatory.

“Damaged Goods”

“Damaged goods” is how actor London Brown, who plays Michele in the television drama Raising Canon, put it recently. In an Instagram live, he said that other men in Hollywood have passed Michele by. Michele replied to the remarks on Instagram by writing:

” I’ have never met this Man a Day in my Life. Idk why he feels the need to speak about me in a situation where he uses the term “us” ….. brother King I don’t know about you. Dint even know your name was London until today right now this second as I was asked about this .

“I’ have avoided the net all together and most bi***ch a***s tendencies i have endured for the past few days .I wont be lied on tho. Stay blessed”

“Most hours of the day I feel like I am struggling to breathe” – On her Instagram page, Draya Michele shares a mysterious message.

Draya Michele Refrains discussing the social media backlash

Since declaring her pregnancy on International Women’s Day, Draya Michele has largely refrained from discussing the backlash she has seen. Given their age difference, there have been questions about their relationship when she first started dating.

More of the same was evident when Michele revealed she was pregnant, with memes and criticism abounding in her post’s comments area. Following backlash over her pregnancy announcement post, she shared a remark on her Instagram story stating that people were misinterpreting her.

At the time, the Instagram post said:

Get comfortable being misunderstood. Only a fraction of people will be able to truly grasp your essence. You are not on anyone’s timeline of comprehension. Also its none of your business how others choose to perceive you. Most high sees you clearly-let that be enough.

Following London Brown’s remark regarding her relationship with Jalen Green, Michelle once more posted on her Instagram story. This time, the message said:

“I’ feel like I am at the bottom of pile of humans .Most hours of the day I feel like I am struggling to breathe.”

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