DV 360

What Environment Supports Proximity Targeting?

Mobile App

Which Two Display & Video 360 Campaign Changes Can Be Made in Bulk?

  • Naviagate to Insertion Order < Line Item level < Select Line Item < Action
  • Use Structured Data Files (SDF)

What Distinguishes The Setup Of A Preferred Deal From A Programmatic Guaranteed Deal?

The publisher needs to agree on number of impressions and fixed price for a Programmatic Guaranteed deal

What Does Creative Approval Require?

A valid landing page

How Is Access To TrueView Inventory Allowed To Advertisers?

Accept Terms & Conditions and Fees in the Partner’s settings

How Can TrueView Inventory Be Made Available To Advertisers?

Navigate to Marketplace Negotiations in Display & Video 360 to examine and approve transactions.

What Is The First Step To Send Data From Campaign Manager To Display & Video 360?

Link the advertiser’s Floodlight setting in Campaign Manager with Display & Video 360.

What Action Should Be Taken In Campaign Manager To Access A First-Party Audience List From A Floodlight Tag In Display & Video 360?

Put the Floodlight tag on audience list.

When your campaign manager doubles as your ad server, how would you incorporate third-party verification into a creative?

Make use of the custom tag wrapper capability in Display & Video 360.

Which Inventory Sources And Environments Are Incompatible With A Single Line Item?

YouTube and open exchange

Which Two Views Display The Line Item Revenue And Conversion Metrics?

  • Optimization view
  • Performance view

What Step Would An Advertiser Take To Target A List Of Email Addresses?

Create a Customer Match list for TrueView

Which Ad Format Uses Integral Ad Science to Support Pre-Bid Verification?


Where Is It Possible To Assign A Preferred Deal?

Within the inventory source targeting of the line item

How Can Ad Frequencies Be Managed Across Several Insertion Orders?

Establish frequency caps at the campaign level.

Which Report Tells Us When A Campaign Has Spent Too Much Money?

Basic or Standard report, grouped by “Time of Day”

Similar to movie ratings, an advertiser wants to be on websites that are appropriate for a wide audience. Which targeting selection ought they to make?

Digital content labels

How can an advertiser add apps and websites to their blacklist so that their advertising never appear there?

Make a channel with apps and URLs, then add that advertiser to the blacklist.

How does Google decide what kind of content is appropriate for Display Network advertising?

Publishers must abide by the AdSense policies, which specify what kinds of content are appropriate for advertisements.

Who decides what kinds of websites are appropriate for your advertisements to run on?

The Publisher

After a Partner Program channel receives 100 views, YouTube advertising can be displayed on it.


To be eligible for advertising, which of the following must videos comply with?

AdSense Program Policies

These were created to promote a positive community for video creators, users, and advertisers alike on YouTube.

YouTube Community Guidelines

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