DV 360

Which is the most crucial element to take into account when assessing viewability and ad position performance?

It’s important to consider factors like ad size, position, and user behavior. High viewability rates indicate better engagement opportunities. However, also focus on other metrics like click-through rates and conversion for a comprehensive understanding of your campaign’s performance.

What’s A Possible Way To Optimize Toward A $10 Cost Per Action (CPA) Goal If Your Current CPA Is $50?

Set a $45 CPA, and then continue to lower it in $5 increments over time.

How Can The Pacing Metrics Help You To Optimize Remarketing Line Items?

By helping to ensure your bids and budgets are not limiting impressions won

What’s A Good Way To Get More Potential Impressions From Your Remarketing List?

Include similar audiences

Why Would You Opt Against Automated Algorithmic Bidding for a Line Item and Instead Use Fixed Manual Bidding?

Because you can factor in more variables than Bid Manager

Manual Optimizations: Which Elements Usually Have The Biggest Effect?

Bids, frequency, site targeting, and creatives

Why Would You Opt Against Automated Algorithmic Bidding for a Line Item and Instead Use Fixed Manual Bidding?

Because you can factor in more variables than Bid Manager

Manual Optimizations: Which Elements Usually Have The Biggest Effect?

Bids, frequency, site targeting, and creatives

Why Is The First Step To Optimizing Your Online Advertising Campaign Defining A Primary Goal?

It tells you how to configure your campaign to be effective until you have performance data to guide you.

Paul wants to make sure that anyone who visit a well-known delivery app see his advertisements. Which Dimension Will He Select for His Bid Multipliers Configuration?

Apps and URLs

How Should Creatives With High Click Rates Be Optimized?

Move them to their own line items and bid higher for them.

How Come Impression Loss Charts Are Useful for Hasty Optimizations?

It shows how many auctions you’re losing due to bids, budget, and frequency.

How Can You Target More Effectively When Your Objective Is Getting In the Way?

Bid up on the highest-performing audience lists.

When your goal is influencing consideration, how can you improve your targeting?

Sites with low viewability and no conversions

What Should You Take Into Account When Eliminating Keywords From Categories You Feel Are Risky For Your Brand?

Doing so can significantly reduce the inventory your ads can appear with.

Which Components Should You Optimize First When Optimizing To Increase Awareness?

Sites, creatives, and time of day

How Do You Optimize Your Campaign at Its Most Basic Level?

Find out which components are best at getting the results you want, then update your campaign to favor those components.

When using bid multipliers, how much will bid manager increase your bids the most?


When starting to raise awareness with new people is your goal, what is a good frequency to use?

Raise awareness with three a day, but don’t waste money on pointless reintroductions.

When Would You Refrain From Using “ASAP” Pacing for Your Display Insertion Order?

When you want to make sure you don’t go over your budget too quickly and lose out on important opportunities

What Steps Can You Take To Improve During The Last Week Of Your Campaign’s Run?

Ensure that all of the funds are allocated to the insertion orders that are doing the best.

Which Is The Most Potentially Successful Approach To Motivating People To Take Action?

Using first-party audience lists and recency targeting

You Have An Insertion Order Designed To Get More Customers To Install Your App. What Is Its Goal?

Drive action

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