DV 360

Although Google began as a search engine, it’s safe to say that this massive digital company has many hats. Among them is the marketing industry. Google has been around for a long, offering products like Search Ads 360, Analytics 360, and Data Studio. However, its 2018 launch of Display and Video 360 (DV360) is the most noteworthy. And although though this demand-side platform (DSP) has been on the market for five years, its allure is still very much present.

And the sophisticated features and fascinating, state-of-the-art improvements of this programmatic advertising platform deserve the credit for that. Of course, the fact that this DSP covers 90% of the internet doesn’t hurt, giving marketers the chance to take use of Google’s worldwide reach to achieve their marketing objectives.

Here, we cover all there is to know about this Google product, including its definition, advantages, and how to use it to build the campaign of your dreams.

DV360, or Display and Video 360, is what?

All of your digital media marketing initiatives are combined onto one platform with Google’s DV360. Marketers can use it to design, manage, and execute display ads, including banner and video ads. Despite their apparent similarities, it differs greatly from Google AdWords. In the post, we’ll talk about that in more detail.

Returning to the DV360, its operation is based on four main elements. Let’s examine what these are.

DV360 Insights

Marketers have access to all important data, statistics, and insights regarding the effectiveness of their campaigns. With the help of this module, you can track the results of your marketing campaigns and ultimately make better informed decisions. For smooth operation, DV360 also connects with a number of other Google products, including YouTube, Google Cloud, and Google Analytics, among others.


This module provides publishers’ high-quality inventory to marketers, enabling them to investigate potential joint ventures and prospects across TV, audio, and digital platforms.

Campaigns in DV360

With Google DV360, marketers have the power to create, fine-tune, optimize, and closely monitor their campaigns. In addition, it can assist in strategizing advertising campaigns. With careful consideration of budget and target audience, one can develop powerful and successful advertising campaigns that drive marketing objectives forward.

Audiences in DV360

With DV360, marketers have the ability to extract valuable data from their existing campaigns, allowing them to effectively build and manage their audience. These could include impressions, clicks, conversions, and so on. In addition, when integrating Google Analytics 360, marketers gain the ability to reach specific audiences with a more focused strategy.


DV360 offers the following features to help marketers manage their creatives. 

  • Format Gallery

Leverage templates and formats available with Google Web Designer for personalized and innovative solutions. 

  • Ad Canvas

Design, edit, and preview your creatives in real time.

  • Data-driven Creative

Personalize your creatives for different customers. For instance, if you want to showcase the same creatives in the UK and India, you can adjust elements such as the CTA, URLs, images, text, etc.

Benefits of DV360

Google’s DV360 enables marketers to elevate their efforts to the next level. Let’s explore the advantages it offers.

Gain direct access to publishers

DV360 offers a valuable advantage with its built-in publisher inventory. Connecting with publishers is made easy by using the same platform where you create your creatives. By adjusting the filters on the platform, you can easily find the perfect match. These details encompass factors like the day of the week and the advertiser’s time zone. With DV360, you can easily narrow down the list using filters to find the perfect publisher for your marketing goals.

Cutting-edge Creatives

With DV360, you’ll find everything you need for your digital advertising in one convenient place. With the ability to provide ad design, sequential messaging, and placement previews, you can conveniently oversee all your advertisements on a single, centralized platform. In addition, the built-in fraud protection feature guarantees the security and confidentiality of your creatives.

Enhanced Audience Targeting Capabilities

With DV360, marketers gain access to a wide range of advanced capabilities,

First-party audience consists of users who have previously interacted with your website, while the third-party audience comprises users who possess relevant characteristics based on third-party data.
Google audience: users with relevant characteristics based on Google’s own data
Create a specific audience list based on preset parameters for targeted marketing analysis.
Combined audience: a diverse blend of various audiences

With this new platform, marketers have the ability to efficiently manage and create audiences.

Automated Bidding

With the help of AI and machine learning, DV360 provides marketers with a solution to streamline the time-consuming bidding process. With this advanced platform, you can easily define the parameters for your bidding strategy when it comes to securing competitive ad placements. If you prefer more control over bidding, DV360 also provides the option for custom bidding. Simply create a script and set the budget for the impression.

Limitations of DV360

DV360 has revolutionized the world of digital marketing. Although the benefits are undoubtedly impressive, it is important to consider certain factors.

Demands Expertise

With DV360, marketers have enhanced control over their campaigns. However, it can achieve this through its intricate options and features. And these can be a bit challenging to learn. In addition, it is important for users to have a solid understanding of the advertising platform in order to make the most of its features.

Insufficient Performance Tracking

Although DV360 provides performance analytics, its scope is restricted to its own campaigns. Marketers are required to export metrics from the rest of the buyer journey on a separate platform in order to gain insights into the overall performance. Fortunately, there is still hope.

Requires a significant financial commitment

With its extensive reach and advanced capabilities, DV360 is ideal for running large-scale advertising campaigns. Regrettably, this also affects the balance sheet. Integrating DV360 may not be a cost-effective choice for small, medium, or growing enterprises.

Comparing Google DV360 and Google Display Ads

If you’re currently utilizing Google Ads, it’s only natural to be curious about what distinguishes DV360. Let’s explore the differences between these two.

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