Recent tests conducted by the EU have uncovered the presence of ethylene oxide, a known carcinogenic, in a considerable number of Indian products.

Following Singapore and Hong Kong, the European Union has also expressed its concerns regarding the presence of cancer-causing chemicals in over 527 Indian food products. In the past week, there have been concerns raised by multiple countries regarding food exports from India.

What was discovered by the European Union?

During a comprehensive study spanning over three and a half years, from September 2020 to April 2024, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) conducted rigorous tests on various food items. The products tested covered a diverse range of categories, with the majority consisting of nuts and sesame seeds (313), herbs and spices (60), dietetic foods (48), and other miscellaneous food products (34).

From the 527 food items, a significant majority of 332 items were exclusively labeled as being from India. Other items in question contained ethylene oxide, which led to the EU taking action due to the chemical being banned since 2011.

What is the debate surrounding MDH and Everest spices?

This news concerns the recent recall of Indian spices by Hong Kong and Singapore. I received a notification from the Centre for Food Safety in Hong Kong regarding the presence of ethylene oxide exceeding permissible limits in Everest Fish Curry Masala.

The Food Safety Regulator of Hong Kong has issued a warning advising consumers against purchasing and traders against selling four specific spice mix products. Meanwhile, the Singapore Food Agency has issued a recall for the products. Everest has stated that its spices are sourced from the laboratories of the Spice Board of India.

What exactly is Ethylene Oxide?

Ethylene Oxide is a colorless, flammable gas that is frequently utilized in various industrial processes. It is particularly valued for its effectiveness in eliminating bacteria, viruses, and other harmful pathogens.
Although it has numerous advantages, various health organizations have classified it as a carcinogen because of its potential to induce cancer in humans. It has been classified as a known human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA).

What is the mechanism by which Ethylene Oxide leads to the development of cancer?

Damage to DNA

Ethylene Oxide is a highly reactive substance that has the ability to easily penetrate cells in the body. Upon entering the body, it interacts with DNA molecules, resulting in harm to the genetic material. DNA damage has the potential to disrupt the normal functioning of cells, resulting in mutations that play a crucial role in the development of cancer.

DNA adducts can disrupt the replication and repair processes of DNA, which can result in errors during cell division. This, in turn, has the potential to initiate the formation of cancerous cells.

Cell signalling pathways being disrupted Exposure to ethylene oxide has the potential to interfere with the cellular signalling pathways responsible for regulating important processes like cell growth, proliferation, and apoptosis (cell death). When these pathways are not functioning properly, it can lead to the unchecked proliferation of cells, which plays a role in the formation of cancer.

Causing oxidative stress

Exposure to ethylene oxide can cause oxidative stress in cells, resulting in an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants. Excessive free radicals have the potential to harm cellular components such as DNA, proteins, and lipids, potentially raising the risk of cancer development.

What additional health hazards are connected to exposure to ethylene oxide?

Long-term exposure to ethylene oxide has been associated with a higher risk of lymphoma, breast cancer, stomach cancer, leukemia, and other cancers.
Workers that are exposed to or use ethylene oxide in their industries.
Breathlessness, wheezing, and coughing are among the symptoms of respiratory tract irritation brought on by brief exposure to ethylene oxide.

Ethylene oxide exposure to the skin can also result in dermatitis, redness, and irritation. Additionally, it has been linked to detrimental effects on development and reproduction, such as decreased fertility, miscarriages, and birth abnormalities.

What response is India giving the ban?

The Union Commerce Ministry has contacted the Hong Kong and Singaporean food safety organizations for more information.
The Ministry has also ordered Indian embassies to provide information. Both goods have been prohibited for exceeding allowable quantities of hazardous ethylene oxide.

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