GAM Dashboard Features
In this Video I will give a walkthrough of Google Ad Manager Features including:
1. Sales
2. Proposals.
3. How to Set Up Programmatic Guaranteed and Preferred Deals.
3. Orders and Line Items Creations for Direct Ads and PG PD Deals.
4. Creatives in Line Items
5. Ad Units and Creation of New Ad Unit Codes/Tags
6. Protections of Ad Inventory through General Category, Brans and Sensitive Category Blocking and URL Blocking.
7. Creative Review Center for blocking Ads via URLs, Text, Keywords and Screenshots.
8. How to Create Unified Pricing Rules Under GAM, how to set up Pricing Rule Experiments , How to set up opportunities under Pricing Rules.
9. How to set Up Yield Groups .
10. How to activate Bidders under Yield Groups .
11. Usage of Audience Buckets, Key values, Targeting Presets, Traffic Forecasts for any Upcoming Ad Campaigns.
12. Usage of Reporting and Reporting Templates under GAM
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