Process of Demand Side Platform in Programmatic Advertising

What is a Demand Side Platform?

A Demand Side Platform is a Programmatic Advertising Solution which automates and facilitates the buying of various types of Ad Inventories like Search Ads, Video Ads ,Display Ads by Advertisers and Ad Agencies .

It allows Advertisers and Ad Agencies to Bid for various types of Ad Inventories like Search Ads, Video Ads ,Display Ads through a dedicated software solution known as Demand Side Platform (DSP).

Demand Side Platform makes the buying process of Ad Inventories very smooth , cost efficient on a real time basis for Multiple Ad Locations and Multiple Advertising Platforms for different type of Ads.

The Video Ads on Facebook, The Video Ads on Instagram , the Banner Ads on Google Search can be bid upon and brought through by Advertisers and Ad Agencies via single Automated Software Solution available which is known as Demand Side Platform.

The Working Process and Functionality of a Demand Side Platform:

The DSP and SSP have come in place of slow manual set up advertising to real time automated Buying and Selling which is cost efficient as well as very less time consuming.

The Working Process and the Functionality is mentioned in detailed manner below:

  1. Selection of Audience Segments by Advertiser and Ad Agencies and Uploading of Ads/ Creatives via DSP.
  2. The SSPS and Ad Exchanges make the Publishers Website and App Locations available on DSP for Bidding.
  3. The SSP and Ad Exchanges make the Ad Inventory and impressions available to DSP .
  4. The Bidders /Advertisers and Agencies Place their Bids for Publishers Websites, Apps ad location and if they win the Bid their Ads get displayed on Real Time Basis .

The main features of DSP:

  1. Bidder/ Advertiser/ Ad Agency – The main component of DSP is the Bidder who bids for Publishers Locations , wins the bids and runs the advertisement on Publishers Website and Apps.
  2. Advertising Server – The Ad servers are one of the main components which not only look after Ad Serving but also take care of impressions count , the impressions trackers, click trackers , conversion trackers .Ad server also checks fraud ad inventory and fraud impressions.
  3. Advertisement Parameters Reporting through a Unified Dashboard– The Ad Impressions , Clicks , Conversions , Targeting Audience Report is presented on unified dashboard for campaign wise performance of advertisers .
  4. Audience Bucket Segmentation– Based on User Behaviors Audience Buckets are Created which can be used for targeted advertising campaign based on gender, age, city, unique visitor, logged in visitor, subscriber etc.
  5. The Budget Allocation Manager– While as a Publishers the SSP priority is get highest eCPM Yield through Bidders /Advertisers but As A Demand Side Platform (DSP) the Buyers goal is to spend less and get more output in the allocated Budget. The Budget Allocation Manager helps in suggesting how to use budget optimally and cost efficiently on various Publishers Platform as per need and requirement of an Advertiser.
  6. Cross Functionality Solution Integrations – DSPs can integrate various cross functionality integrations for advertising purpose such as, Supply Side Platforms, Ad Exchanges , Data Management Platforms (DMPs) , Customer Data Platforms (CDPs).Multiple Ad Exchanges can be integrated on a DSP for a one unified centralized platform for advertising purposes.

Top Demand Side Platforms

  1. Google Display and Video 360 (DV360)
  2. MediaMath
  3. Basis Technologies.
  4. Jampp
  5. Smadex
  6. Amazon DSP
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  1. […] SSP is primarily for Publishers to sell their Ad Inventories/Ad Locations on impression basis on their Website and Mobile App to interested Buyers who can be Advertisers or Ad Agencies/ Direct Companies on real time basis .Read about DSPs at […]

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