The Concepts of Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic Advertising

is a fancy Term in Digital Marketing which needs to be understood properly in technical terms. Hence I am starting a series of Programmatic Advertising Concepts and Processes which which will elaborate the concepts, components and the process of Programmatic Advertising in Detail.

What is Programmatic Advertising?

It is a concept which revolves around Dynamic Ad Allocation of Premium, Non Premium as well as Remnant Ad inventories across Publishers Websites and Mobile Apps. It involves buying of Ad Inventories by Advertisers and Ad Agencies via Demand Side Platforms and Selling of Ad Inventories by Publisher Website and Apps of Multiple Ad Locations/Ad Inventories.

The Buying and Selling of Ad Slots is based on Machine Learning algorithms placed on Ad Exchange platforms like Google Ad Manager and Google Ad Manager 360. It is Primarily for Publishers while Display and Video 360 (DV 360) platforms are for Advertisers and Ad Agencies Placing the Bid .

How the Ads are Rendered via Programmatic Advertising? The Simple Process of Ad Rendering via Programmatic Ads involves:

  1. User Visits a Particular Website and the Browser sends a request to the Website Server asking for HTML Page Content.
  2. The Web Server Returns the HTML and starts rendering the page content of the Website .
  3. The Ad Tags are stored in header of Website . The ad Request is fired to the Ad server when HTML Page request is sent. It is a simultaneous process.
  4. The Ad Request is then sent to the Publishers Ad Server to fill the Ad Slot on the Page.
  5. The Ad Delivery usually starts after the Ad Requests are matched . It is matched via Ad Demand from Advertisers and the Ads are displayed.

There are different Modes of Programmatic Advertising Like:

  1. Real Time Bidding /Open Auctions -Where different Ad Networks compete for ad locations on real time basis.
  2. Private Market Place Auction Where you open auction for Limited Players unlike Real Time Bidding.
  3. Preferred Deals– Programmatic Campaigns where deals can be finalized and impressions can be delivered as per the deal. However, there is no guarantee of delivery in preferred deals. It means the priority of Preferred deals is less than Programmatic Guaranteed deals.
  4. Programmatic Guaranteed DealsProgrammatic Guarantee Deals are similar to RoadBlock Campaigns where the impressions finalized in the deal are guaranteed.

We will discuss more about Programmatic Advertising Components and Features in Series 2.

There will be more than 40 Series in Programmatic Advertising. Please keep watching the Website to Learn more about Programmatic Advertising Concepts.

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