Programmatic Advertising PodCast with Uwais Shaikh

In this Podcast I have with me is Uwais Shaikh. He is a Performance Marketer with Walt Disney.

He has more than 6 Year of Work Experience Programmatic Advertising . He has worked with Big Companies Like Logic Serve Digital, GroupM.

I discuss with him very important Programmatic Advertising Questions from the point of view of a Performance Marketer and what goes in making a Promotional Campaign Click in Terms of Conversions . We discuss Questions such as

1. What channels and platforms have you utilized for programmatic advertising campaigns?

2. How does programmatic advertising align with the overall marketing strategy and business goals

for Brands?

3. Can you how describe how programmatic helps to reach specific audience segments effectively?

4. What key performance indicators (KPIs) do you track to measure the success of your programmatic advertising campaigns?

5. What strategies can be employed to optimize programmatic advertising campaigns and improve ROI?

6. Are there any programmatic technologies or platforms to automate and optimize ad placements and bidding?

7. How do you manage and allocate budgets for programmatic advertising across different channels and campaigns?

8. How do you handle real-time bidding (RTB) and programmatic direct buying in your advertising efforts?

9. What data sources and audience insights inform your programmatic ad targeting decisions?

10. How do you ensure brand safety and ad fraud prevention in your programmatic advertising campaigns?

11. How can cross-channel attribution be handled and the impact of programmatic advertising on customer journeys be measured?

12. Are there specific programmatic advertising formats or creative strategies that have proven successful for you?

13. Can you discuss any challenges or obstacles you’ve faced in implementing programmatic advertising, and how have you addressed them?

14. Are there emerging technologies or trends in programmatic advertising that you’re exploring or planning to adopt?

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