The Name Programmatic Advertising is a very Fancy Word for Layman and also for new Digital Marketing Professionals.

Digital Marketing Professional who don’t have any hands on experience in operating Programmatic Advertising Tools like Google Ad Manager for Website Owners/ Publishers who form part of SSP (Supply Side Platform) and Display and Visual 360 (DV360) for Advertisers who form part of Demand Side Platform.

Both these platforms act as a Bridge between Advertising Demand and Supply form Publishers. The Advertising is served through HTML Tags in iFrame which are generated via Google Ad Sense or Google Ad Manager which are then put up in Website Body for Ad Rendering.

Whenever user opens browser and opens site the browser send request to site server for rendering of HTML content along Ads which are served after dynamic open auction and ads are served. The process of Automated Serving of Ads serving via Google whenever there is Ad Demand is known as Programmatic Advertising.

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