PG Deals

A programmatic guaranteed (PG) deal is a guaranteed buy directly with a publisher via a deal ID (rather than via ad server tags). PG is more flexible for you and your publisher to manage, and it provides more transparency than regular tag buys. Billing and reporting are consolidated through DSP, which saves you time.

PMP Deals

A PMP is a private marketplace that’s exclusive to only select advertisers. In other words, publishers can invite a smaller group of trusted brands and advertisers to buy their inventory. Unlike a PG deal, it’s not a deal between two parties, but one made within a predetermined marketplace of other advertisers.

Preferred Deals

  • Preferred Deal: You and the buyer negotiate a price and terms for inventory that the buyer can optionally buy. The buyer has an initial, or “preferred,” opportunity to bid at the negotiated price when there’s an ad request for the inventory. Preferred Deals are non-guaranteed because:
    • The inventory negotiated isn’t reserved for the buyer—you can opt to reserve it in a guaranteed campaign for a better price.
    • Buyers aren’t required to buy the inventory.

In this video of Programmatic Advertising DashBoard Demo , we will talk about Programmatic Guaranteed Deals, Preferred Deals and Private Market Place Auction Deals in Google Ad Manager Dashboard .We will show how this deals are set up and how these deals are negotiated between Buyers and Sellers via DV ID and GAM ID .

See this Video to Know More

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