Since Childhood, we have been taught that Early to Bed and Early Rise makes a person intelligent and Wise. We followed the same during our school days too.

We got good results in the form of remaining energetic all throughout the day even after playing for 2 hours , studying for 2 hours and doing there all activities. There was no lethargy.

What happened during adulthood? Why we suddenly started sleeping late, eating late an waking up late. This is basic principle that if you will sleep late , you will wake up late which badly affects the Body Metabolism too.

Having a Bad Metabolism affects your body digestion and you may remain constipated which will keep you irritated and you will not feel hungry.

When the Metabolism of food is slow inside your body , even exercise cannot help you maintain your Body Weight and Body Mass Index which adversely affects the level of Bad Cholesterol /Triglyceride’s in the Body .

High Level Triglycerides are responsible for creating blockage in the arteries of the Heart which leads to Heart Attack in most of the cases .

Hence, if you are on a Journey of Fitness , irrespective of your age you need to keep a check on your sleeping patterns .

What is Optimum level of Sleep? Optimum level of Sleep for an Adult is 7 to 8 Hours. Minimum Is 7 Hours .Try to go to bed by maximum 11 PM and wake up by 6 or 6.30 or 7 AM.

The Early Morning hour is the most Productive Hour to do important activities like Exercises, Studying which will give you the best results in the morning with focused effort.

The Body Metabolism will remain good as long as you are sleeping and waking up on time after having at least 7 Hours of Sleep.

Don’t eat heavy meals before sleeping and eat your dinner 2 hours before going to bed .

Eating a a meal 2 Hours before your bed will help your body to digest the meal properly which will help you sleep in a sound manner.

If you are a regular defaulter in terms of sleeping late and waking up late try sleeping early and waking up early for 1 Month regularly you will get habitual.

Then you will see the magic on your health and body fitness and your overall activity wise performance.

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