Why you should Run or Jog 3 Times a Week:

Running is Considered to be one of the Best form of Exercises after Swimming. It helps to make your endurance increase over a period of time.

Best Form of Cardiac /Aerobic Activity:

Running is one of the Best form Aerobic Exercise. It also makes your Cardiac Muscles strong and Lung Capacity.

What is the Right way of Running?

There is no right way of running but if you are conscious about it try just running slowly without jumping. Too much and focus that your foot midsole is landing on ground at every step. It will make sure that the landing doesn’t affect your knees and the pressure is distributed all across the body evenly.

How Much Running is sufficient for a Beginner?

For a beginner 15 Minutes of Run/Jog Followed by some stretching exercises shall be the norm. At least for two months until the person gains endurance. It is required to increase the distance and timing further. Remember Running is a Long Term Process , it cannot be hastened to give immediate results. Hastening will only lead to injuries. For injury free running, its better to increase mileage gradually as you gain endurance.

What to Drink after Running?

First thing to do is to rest for at least 10 Minutes then sip water slowly. You can have glucose or supplements like FastandUp Recover for faster muscle recovery.

What to eat if you are running regularly? Running requires endurance and muscle strength for which you will need a balance of Proteins and Carbohydrates in you diet .For Proteins, having 2 Eggs daily in your breakfast will work. You can have Chicken too .For Carbs have mashed Potatoes or Boiled Potatoes.

Running Requires Discipline-Running Requires Discipline if incorporated properly can keep you fit till your lifetime .

Running Regularly can help you participate in Long Distance Events like Marathon and Half Marathon -If you start running regularly for more than 1 Hour you may be able to participate in Marathons.

Run to Enjoy Life Run to be Fit Run to Experience Yourself, Run to Meditate.

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Nishu Kumari

Nishu Kumari is the Founder of the website www.gigconnects.in. She is a third year law student at Faculty of Law, Delhi University.

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