Search Engine Optimization of Content Published on Website in the Era of Google AI Search Results and ChatGPT.

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the method of generating traffic from search engines. The process includes free, organic, editorial and natural results. SEO helps in pushing the site to the top of search engine results. SEO also increases business leads, which in turn results in higher revenue generation. It is a continuous process and should be maintained on a regular basis.

SEO can be divided into two techniques: On Page SEO, Off Page SEO.

There is a lot of talk and apprehension regarding Search Engine Optimization in the era of AI. However, Search Engine Optimization has certain important parameters.

I will cite the most important parameter’s of Search Engine Optimization in this Article Below which covers the SEO optimizers such as :

  1. Focus Key Phrase-A focus keyword or key phrase is the primary term you want a page or post to rank for on search engines. In the most simple terms: when someone searches for the phrase you’re targeting, people find you. It serves as a focal point for the page’s subject matter so you can develop content that matches search intent — satisfying the needs of search engine crawlers and users.
  2. Each page should strategically target a different focus keyphrase so that keywords aren’t randomly distributed throughout the site. This also avoids duplication, which we all know Google doesn’t take kindly to. When two or more web pages are optimized for the same key phrase, the pages compete for links, authority, and search engine rankings, diluting their effectiveness. Marketers refer to this competition as keyword cannibalization.

SEO Title

  1. SEO Title – During a Google search, people scroll through a list of results, each one vying for their attention. What causes them to click on one result over another? It usually comes down to the quality of the title tag.
  2. If you want to capture more clicks for your website, you need to know how to write an exceptional title tag. Optimizing your title tag is also an important part of search engine optimization (SEO) — which is made easier with the help of website SEO tools.
  3. So what is a title tag? A title tag is a website element that denotes the title of a web page. Title tags are shown in a couple of key locations:
  4. Search results pages: When you search on Google, you will find a list of results in blue text. These are the title tags.
  5. Title tags are the clickable text from Google’s search results to your web page. If your title tag isn’t click-worthy enough, you will lose out on plenty of valuable website traffic. Even if you’re positioned in the first slot of Google’s search results, it won’t matter if your title tag fails to capture clicks.


  1. Slug- A URL slug (also known as website slug) is the last part of the URL address that serves as a unique identifier of the page. Why Is a URL Slug Important for SEO?A URL slug is often considered a great place to include the target (or primary) keyword of a page. A Google Search Advocate John Mueller has confirmed that words in a URL are a ranking factor. He also emphasized that it is a “very very lightweight” one, and it primarily helps to assess the page before Google accesses it. Keywords in the URL is a ranking factor, we should not overestimate its effect on rankings.
  2. However, it may still make sense to use the target keyword of a page in a URL slug. Especially, considering the user experience (UX) point of view, which is closely connected to SEO. Let’s take a look at these two examples:
  3. While the first example provides clear information about the content of the post, the latter is just a chain of numbers that doesn’t provide any added value. If someone only saw these two URL addresses, they’re much more likely to click the first one. (Regardless of the actual content on either page.).That’s why a URL slug should provide a concise description of a page. As it happens, a great way to do this is to use the target keyword.

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META Description

  1. Meta Description-A meta description is a webpage summary that can show in search engine results. Meta descriptions should let users know what they’ll find on the page and encourage them to click through (rather than click another result). Meta descriptions (sometimes called SEO meta descriptions) aren’t a direct ranking factor. Google doesn’t take them into account when determining rankings.
  2. Meta descriptions are important for SEO. Because it is often used to generate snippets that tell searchers about your page. It also helps to keep your content stand apart from competitors on the SERP.
  3. An effective snippet convinces more people to click your link, increasing your click-through rate (CTR). It also increases brand awareness. It can have a positive effect on your SEO.
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