Programmatic Advertising PodCast with Uwais Shaikh

Programmatic Advertising PodCast with Uwais Sheikh

In this Podcast I have with me is Uwais Shaikh. He is a Performance Marketer with Walt Disney.

He has more than 6 Year of Work Experience Programmatic Advertising . He has worked with Big Companies Like Logic Serve Digital, GroupM.

I discuss with him very important Programmatic Advertising Questions from the point of view of a Performance Marketer and what goes in making a Promotional Campaign Click in Terms of Conversions . We discuss Questions such as

Tag Creation Under GAM

Creation of Tags under Google Ad Manager

Ad Units/ Ad tags are important for Publishers and Advertisers which is used for display of Ads in Google Ad Manager on any Publishers Website or App. In Last Video on how to create Google Ad Manager tags for Website we discussed how GPT tags are made for Website . In this Video we will discuss how Ad tags are created for Mobile App Tags (Image tags ).We will tell the procedure step by step for proper clarity and also revise the steps of Mobile App Ad Unit tag Creation and Implementation .