Child Labor In India

Facing the Global Crisis: The Sad Reality of Child Labor

Child labour remains a significant problem in India. Despite numerous laws and policies intended to prevent it, child labour is still a serious issue in India. There are an estimated 10.1 million child labourers in India, according to the most recent census data, while some estimates indicate that the actual number may be significantly higher.

According to Census 2011 data, there are 10.1 million child labourers in India, 5.6 million of them are boys and 4.5 million of whom are girls. Globally, it is estimated that 152 million children, or nearly one in ten of all children, work as youngsters, including 64 million girls and 88 million boys.

The statistic report of 2017 explains that India is one of the leading countries in Asia as it has 33 million children employed in child labor, that’s why it is a significant problem in India.