Google Ad Manager Dashboard Overview

Google Ad Manager Dashboard Overview

This video is for all Programmatic Advertising and Digital Marketing Aspirants who want to learn about the features of Google Ad Manager Dashboard.

This video is the first video in this series of Google Dashboard Home Page Contents where you will see what is there on Home Page of Google Ad Manager.

It includes Overview, Anomalies, Revenue Report, Bid Count, Losing Bids, Winning Bids, Revenue via Different Programmatic Channels like Programmatic Open Auction , Programmatic Guaranteed , PMP Deals.

Programmatic Advertising Questions Series Part2

In this Video of Programmatic Advertising we will discuss the answers to the following questions :

1.What is viewability?
2. What is the Difference between CPM and eCPM?
3. What’s a viewable ad?
4. What are measurable Impressions?
5. What is Viewable Rate and Measurable Rate?
6. What is a HAR LOG?
7. What is a Charles Session?
8. What is Ad Mediation?
9. What is the Process of Ad Mediation? How does it actually work?
10.What are the Uses of Ad mediation Platform?
11.What Are the Benefits of Ad Mediation?

Tag Creation Under GAM

Creation of Tags under Google Ad Manager

Ad Units/ Ad tags are important for Publishers and Advertisers which is used for display of Ads in Google Ad Manager on any Publishers Website or App. In Last Video on how to create Google Ad Manager tags for Website we discussed how GPT tags are made for Website . In this Video we will discuss how Ad tags are created for Mobile App Tags (Image tags ).We will tell the procedure step by step for proper clarity and also revise the steps of Mobile App Ad Unit tag Creation and Implementation .


Google Ad Manager- How to Create New Ad Units and New Ad Unit Tags under Google Ad Manager

In this video we will discuss how to create New Ad Units and Tags under Google Ad Manager. I will show the step by step procedure of creation of New Ad Units and Generation of Ad Unit Specific GPT Tags or Google Publisher Tags which can be sued for display of Programmatic and Direct Ads on a Particular Location of a Publishers Website . We will discuss, what all things are option to be set up by the Publishers while Creation of Ad Unit and Ad Unit Tags .How to activate and how to use the tags in the Header and Body of Web Page for delivery Ads via Ad Unit Tags .