The Impact of Banks Collapse in US on India, Indian Economy and Indian Banking Sector.

How Indian Economy will be affected by Bank Falls In United States? If United States economy is in Trouble then understand that your India Exports will reduce to United States as they will reduce their imports from India .Vice Versa the imports will become costly due to bad condition of US Economy. This will only increase inflation in India which is still very high as per the standards set by Reserve Bank of India

The Immediate Failure of SVB Bank (Silicon Valley Bank)

t is considered to be one of the worst Bank Shutdown after 2008 Crisis. The FED was increasing interest rates post Covid 19 Pandemic to counter inflation. Nobody thought that it will lead to failure of one of the largest Bank of US. The HIGH Rates constrained the Tech Companies to raise funds further. The Higher Rates reduced the value of treasury and other securities which SVB Bank needed to pay the Depositors.