Summer is here, and you will want to spend your weekends lazily or go out with friends and family. However, if you are opting to laze around, here are ten web series presented in documentary form, and each of them is iconic and mind-blowing to watch. The below web docuseries are the greatest proof of that.

Below are the web series presented as documentaries where you can understand the meaning of life and death, along with the fact that it does not take ten lifetimes to obtain humanity from ourselves. You can watch these web series on the OTT platform Netflix and Hulu.

Subscribe to them monthly and learn the harsh truth of life and darker shades of humanity. However, for different countries, the subscription amount is different. But, you will not regret taking the subscription as the below-mentioned web series might be a bit for the bold, but each leaves out the space for humans to think about life, death, bones, and flesh.

Conversations with a Killer: Ted Bundy Tapes

The first web series name on the list must be about Ted Bundy or Theodore Robert Bundy. The web series discussed the notorious ways Ted killed and preyed on innocent girls. But that is not what we get to understand in the series. The most prominent factor we learn from the web series is that the human mind is the most complicated place.

Most importantly, a mind can be as wicked and grotesque as it might not be able to fathom the depth of life and death. Ted Bundy Tapes discusses this serial killer’s lack of soulful depth and pity for life. He suffered from many mental illnesses and psychological disorders, making him an impulsive convicted murderer who practiced necrophilia.

The web series is four-part, and each episode is above 45 to 50 minutes in duration. So, you get the time to understand what the makers have tried to tell you through the web documentary. You will get the director, producer name, and other details from other websites.

But, this article offers an in-depth understanding of a human mind that failed to understand himself and was completely unconscious of his crimes. Moreover, the line rightly sits with the web series – Devil does not come in hooves, horns, and nails; rather, it comes in suit, tie, and tuxedo. This web series is a must-watch for all the women out there, for they need to know that looks don’t matter regarding a man’s actions.

Similarly, men should watch this series to understand that actions speak louder than words and drama. Netflix first launched the web series in 2019 and garnered appreciation from film and television critics for accurately depicting all the devilish stuff Ted Bundy did without remorse. 

Conversations with a Killer: John Wayne Gacy Tapes

Homosexuality is not a crime. However, John Wayne Gacy could not accept that he liked men more than women and murdered young boys mercilessly. The web series completely focuses on the confessions of John Wayne Gacy.

However, the web series viewers discovered that John Wayne Gacy denied and did not accept his crimes. The man knew he had dissociative identity disorder but wanted to use it as the biggest excuse for taking the lives of thirty-three young boys and even kids. The tapes give us an idea about the shocking way in which John Wayne Gacy tried to blame others for his crimes.

The tapes give us an insight into the mind of John Gacy, who had a public reputation but destroyed it due to his evil greed for boys’ flesh. A complete chatterbox – the tapes are the pieces of evidence of a full set of crimes that Gacy committed, but he was ready to deny them.

A man of too many words, viewers get to know that he even served the kids as clowns. However, he always hated kids, considering them someone who could fool him. All his life committing each of the crimes, John Gacy thought nobody would ever be able to know his deeds.

His emotional unavailability is best understood and depicted through this three-part series. You can watch the series on Netflix, which launched in 2022. The limited web series is presented as a documentary; each episode lasts over 50 minutes. The details are described in a very organized manner.

Conversations with a Killer: Jeffrey Dahmer Tapes

The man who knew something was not right about him failed to detect what was wrong with him. Jeffrey Dahmer admitted to all the killings he did but failed to show empathy or remorse for his actions. Even during the courtroom trials, when one of the victim’s family members screamed at him, the camera caught a completely unbothered Jeffrey Dahmer sitting on his chair, not even moving a muscle.

Jeffrey Dahmer’s Tapes gives us an insight into the minds of the people who still don’t know why they are doing crude work. Boring a hole into his victim’s skull, he used to pour hydrochloric acid into them. Nevertheless, he wanted to gain control, knowing that whatever he did was abnormal.

He could only sense an immense thrill and intense pleasure in killing his victims. Even though he knew he was homosexual, he could not channel it through him. He wanted to give his victims an option to stay with him or die because leaving him and going was never an option for him.

Yes, it is true that during his confessions, the criminologists and journalists sympathized with him due to his good looks and childhood traumas. However, Dahmer could manipulate people for his needs was well understood through this web series.  The three-part documentary was released in 2022. You can watch it on Netflix and Hulu.

Each of the episodes stands out above 55 minutes in duration. The lawyer is the storyteller who is taping the confessions, and viewers are getting an in-depth understanding of a criminal mind which stands out to be so ordinary from the third-perspective view that it will ultimately shock you.

The tapes have been released to the public. They are used to train the law enforcement team, the criminologists, and the psychiatrists of the correctional facilities to understand the different layers in the mind of a serial killer.

Inside the Criminal Mind

This web series is a must-watch for teenagers above sixteen to make them realize the essence and value of life. The four-part series, each of more than 45 minutes, talks about the different branches of crime committed by various people. The most interesting factor of this web series is that it distinguishes the human brain of a criminal from that of a normal brain.

The blood lust, the absence of total remorse, and the absence of total empathy toward life make these criminals different. Are they insane or the devil themselves? It is difficult to say for anyone. The web series breaks into parts of serial killers, the ones who kidnap people, the cult leaders, and the crime lords. Serial Killers and Crime Lords are distributed among psychopaths and sociopaths.

They kill more than one for their pleasure and advantage and want to blame others but pretend to have the capability of having remorse. Even though they feign all the emotions, they are hardcore ruthless killers and liars, and for their advantage, they can take the life of anyone they feel like taking.

They love the sense of power and consider the world a fake place where everybody is there to con them when it is them conning others. So, if you want to know the darker part of society, this series is a compulsory lookout on Netflix. So, subscribe to the OTT platforms of Hulu or Netflix to get a hold of this web series.

The Sons of Sam: A Descent into Darkness

A writer cum journalist Maury Terry’s obsession with finding the truth of a range of killings makes the man insane. However, when he tried to scream the truth to everyone, nobody believed him until he died, and people started to take notice. A series of shootings and one man gets caught and proven guilty. David Berkowitz was slammed with all the shootings that took place over time.

The man David Berkowitz was not the only one involved in the impulsive murders as the crimes were neither impulsive nor unplanned. Maury Terry started researching the whole criminal case until he found more than one person involved in the killings of young and the innocent.

Usually, innocent lovers who used to spend time in their cars late at night or early morning before proper sunrise were the maximum targets. Very less is known about all the heads behind the death of so many innocent lives. Maury Terry was able to find out that a cult was involved in this whole spree.

Even the cult tried to spread the word that Maury Terry was conjuring up stories and creating a sense of suspense among the public. Terry even discovered that cult leader Charles Mansion was also involved with this huge conspiracy.

The web series shows that David tried multiple times to warn Maury Terry about the cult members being far stronger than him. But that made Terry more obsessed with the case. However, nobody believed him. Usually, the whistle-blower should be taken seriously.

Maury Terry was on the way to catch the cult members, but they were killed individually before he could reach out to them. Terry even tried to talk to David Berkowitz. The four-part web series is over 50 minutes long and never fails to catch the gripping tale of the 1970s murders.

Crime Scene: The Times Square Killer

New York has always been hot and happening, but this web series gives a different outlook to people regarding how much a crime scene can cause chaos which might lead to an investigation of a series of killings. The three-part crime web docuseries is completely bone-chillingly amazing.

At first, you might find the series dragging the scenes, and some explicit pictures might excite the youngsters, but as the series moves on, viewers learn that it isn’t as easy as it looks. Not only that, but they also understand that the series wanted to impart it about serial killers.

The crude ways in which the girls were killed and the law enforcement’s die-hard ways of trying and working hard to get the investigation done and bring the criminal behind bars are perfectly captured in the series.

The web series has various crucial points where viewers might think the climax has reached, but that is not what it looks like. The series got launched in 2021, and you can watch it on Netflix and Hulu. So, get your subscription as soon as possible.

Unsolved Mysteries

The series talks about various situations where a series of crimes take place. However, the crimes are still unsolved over time, and the families have not received any closure, even after a decade or two. The series wants to depict that even though loads of crimes are getting a solution, loads of them are still waiting for justice. The actions taken by these criminals are completely changing the lives of their surroundings.

Each of the criminals has an antisocial personality disorder, but some are sociopaths, and some are psychopaths. The series tries to depict – why does a person commit a crime? The web series is a must-watch by everyone, especially those who look at the world through rose-tinted glasses.

The world is not Mills and Boons, as it is filled with the darkest of factors in every alley down the journey. Whether it is cult leaders or kidnappers, each of them takes pleasure in putting control over someone else. They are psychopaths, as they do not have any feelings of understanding and gain pleasure through others’ sufferings.

The human mind is the most complicated place ever. Thoughts run faster than light, and it takes some nanoseconds to make an impulsive decision. These seven-part web series are each more than 30 minutes long. Subscribe to Netflix to watch the series as it unfolds the painful factor for the existing family and friends who are still crying for their close ones not getting any justice.

Beast of Bangalore

If a coin is biased, the whole pain-pleasure game turns horrendous, and people end up dead. This is something well-understood through this three-part series. Umesh Reddy and his serial killing will make you feel goosebumps.

His personality disorder was his biggest enemy; he was his greatest foe. Umesh Reddy could not understand the depth of his crimes and how he executed them. He could not get along with his mind, thoughts, and personality. His character of killing for pleasure gave the spine-chilling thought that humans are the most complex animals on Earth.

Devil failed to accept that he liked his kind. He also wanted to justify his vile actions with the lamest of excuses which neither had a head nor a tail. Umesh Reddy has been a devil to all those ladies who died over his rape and torture. In short, Reddy destroyed their families and kept them in pain forever.

This web series is a must-watch for people who will get to understand that the world works on its terms, but that doesn’t mean we are going to break those terms for our pleasure. You will realize none of the killings Reddy did were coincidental; rather, they were done under synchronicity.

House of Secrets: The Burari Deaths

Eleven family members die a very shocking death due to one family member who was psychotic and persuaded the family that he was able to talk to his dead father. He kept a diary for putting down all the words that the voices said to him in his head. However, the whole family turns out to be psychotic and neurotic to such an extent that they follow him to form a cult.

However, the more he recorded and wrote about it, the more people called him obsessed and turned insane about the situation. The series reflects on finding the truth and recording them. It is a must-watch for all those guys who love crime series and want to keep a knowledge of conspiracy theories.

The viewers learn that the killer is shrewd, cunning, and ruthless. The whole concept of serial killing is much more related to mental illness turning into diseases or psychological disorders going bad. The most pathetic part was that he did it without feeling guilt, remorse, or apathy. He felt no feelings when he killed his victims in the crudest way possible.

The three-part web series makes the viewers understand that even a killer who wants to gain empathy from the people does not necessarily have the same empathy within themselves. Each episode is more than 40 minutes long. However, the series which was released in 2021 leaves a shocking impression on everyone.

Must Watch Crime Thrillers on OTT

28 Days Haunted

Do you believe in ghosts? If yes, then fine; if no, it won’t make any difference. This series talks about the famous paranormal activists and couple Ed and Lorraine Warren, who researched a few properties where they thought dark entities were trapping souls.

However, the most important factor is that three sets of paranormal activists spend time in these three properties to ensure they can release some trapped souls. Even though they succeed, the experience leaves a lasting impact on their lives.

They realize that the afterlife is not always lucky for all souls. So, these paranormal activists make it their life’s aim to save souls, even though they get hurt by the dark entities in return. They also learn that many stories have been associated with each of the trapped souls in the properties.

The six-part web series are each more than 30 minutes long. It is a must-watch for people who believe life is tough and death is easy. Well, for some souls, it might not be the case. Subscribe to the OTT platform Netflix or Hulu to get to watch this web docuseries.

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