Programmatic Ads

Global Ad Demand Outage:

Globally , the Publishers as Well as the Advertisers are Facing a very tough time on account of Recession and Global Bank Crashes Like SVB , were Ad Start Ups Like Roku and BuzzFeed had parked their funds. Ad Rates were comparably much lower (almost 20 points) in the Month of March 2023 than it was in the Month of February.

Lower eCPMS

The average eCPMs are drastically down across all Ad Inventories and no kind of Unified Pricing Rule Strategies, Header Bidding Strategies are working to boost up the Ad Demand and Revenue.

Publishers Feedback and Challenges

During recent Meet Up of Publishers I interacted with some of the Big News Publishers in India who concurred the fact that they are facing an uphill task of increasing revenue when the Ad Demand has been highly subdued.

Google March 2023 Broad Core Update-Features and Effects on Publisher Challenges.

  1. The March 2023 Update targets all content types within all regions and languages to promote or reward high quality or high value pages .According to Google Nothing within this affects particular pages or sites .
  2. The Changes are about improving how our systems assess content overall.
  3. The updates are targeted to streamline the search ranking via seo.
  4. There is nothing wrong with pages that may or may not perform well good in core update .There is no violation of Webmaster Guidelines nor the Publisher site has been subjected to manual or algorithmic action.
  5. There is no penalty in update , Google has optimized SEO to give better search results to users.
  6. Differentiators– It may even be that you were ranking for something that one of your particular pages didn’t cover , a Core update might catch this and sow better information results on a different page .

Publishers Audience and Ad Revenue

Publishers who are connecting more with Young Generation and millennial age Group are likely to get more traffic and Ad Revenue in Future.

In a Survey , it was found that Publishers experience the most success in driving the young generation to their site through Facebook (66%), followed by Twitter and YouTube (48%).However, the millennials responded that YouTube was the first site for them , Facebook and Twitter were 5th and 7th in their priority for content.

How Publishers can increase their Ad Revenue in this Challenging Times ?

  1. Improve User Experience of Website and Mobile App. Personalized User Specific Content with greater user attention span will drive advertisers to your Website to spend more of their Budgets .
  2. More Investment in Short Form Video and Video Content – It will drive more users as users attention span is getting shorter day by day.
  3. Relevance of First Party Data and Customer Data Platforms -In the Era where third party cookies will be shelved out the relevance of First Party Data and Customer Data Platforms cannot be ruled out .However, the terms and conditions governing the dat usage of First Party Data needs to be carefully curated.
  4. A Dynamic and Agile Advertising Ecosystem– It will help in setting up realistic advertising spend goals for the Advertisers and As Agencies in Future and in times of uncertainty where Publishers wont get affected due to the sudden changes happening in Ad Tech Field.
  5. Latest Trends and Technologies-Publishers who are updated with Latest As Technologies and Trends along with inclusion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be Frontrunners .
  6. Selective Ad Budget Spend-Advertisers will remain choosy in Ad Spends in Future , hence the Quality of Publishers , Site, UI and Personalized Content will be the ultimate deal breakers in terms of Ad Revenue Generated for Publishers.
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