The issue of Jobs in Programmatic Advertising and the reducing Pay Packages..

Last 8 Months have remained tough for Publishers as well as Ad Tech Companies. The Publishers are finding it difficult to manage the falling Ad Revenue and eCPms. The Ad Tech Companies on the other hand are finding it difficult to convince the Advertisers for CPM Campaigns. Overall, there is an Ad Demand Drought because of mismatch between supply and demand. The issue of Jobs in Programmatic Advertising is a very much burning topic .

The Ad Revenue earned by Publishers is directly proportional to Pay Packages of Programmatic Ads

The allowance and Pay Package of Ad Professionals. The more the Ad revenue of Publishers, the better they are in position to offer Perks and Increments . What has happened in last 8 Months is that Publishers revenue has gone drastically down. What it is doing? The Publishers are either reducing the team members of Programmatic or cutting down the Pay Packages .

The Programmatic Professionals and existing demand conundrum.

The fall in revenue is not due to the lackadaisical approach of the employees working for the Publishers Programmatic Wing. It is due to the fact that the Advertisers are changing their priorities now which includes various factors such as :

  1. Budget Constraint- Many Advertisers are facing the heat of slowing global economy, which is in turn restricting their Ad Budgets .
  2. Dried Start Up Investment – The investors are less willing to burn their money on Start Ups. StartUPs were spending a very good chunk on Advertising during their initial years of Business.
  3. The toppled balance of Supply and Demand– In the Pre-Covid ERA there were few Websites and Apps . Today many Website and Apps have mushroomed. The advertiser ratio has remained more or less the same , which makes buying of Ads on Publisher inventory very tricky. The Advertisers want to spend money on many Website and Apps, however, their budget is limited . It restricts their Ad Spends on Multiple Publishing Channels. Last 8 Months have remained tough for Publishers as well as Ad Tech Companies. The Publishers are finding it difficult to manage the falling Ad Revenue and eCPms. . Hence, there is less demand in terms of limited Advertiser Budget and more supply in terms of Publishing Channels.

The Emergence of New Publishing Channels and Changing Models of Advertisement

  1. Emergence of New Channels of Advertising like CTV, DOOH and OTT– Many Advertisers are shifting their AD Spend Budgets from traditional channels of Advertising like Web and App. They are willing to experiment on CTV, OTT and DOOH. We are seeing a paradigm shift in terms of TV Viewership, which is shifting from DTH to OTT. This makes the traditional Publishing Channels bleed more in terms of revenue .
  2. The move to Conversion Based Advertising Model-A Guaranteed impression campaign is always convenient for a Publisher as well as Ad Tech Companies. However, a cost per conversion based campaign is usually a very difficult proposition, when publisher gets paid only for conversions. This shrinks the Ad revenue of Publishers, however it is a profitable proposition for advertisers.

What Programmatic Professional Can do to safeguard themselves?

The tough times are here to stay , no doubt about it. The way the Programmatic Landscape is changing , its difficult to predict anything in future. Additionally , in the ERA of AI , what’s relevant today may become irrelevant tomorrow. The issue of Jobs in Programmatic Advertising and the reducing Pay Packages becomes more challenging. The employees can do what’s best in terms of:

  1. Campaign optimization– The employees shall take efforts o optimize the AD campaigns to the maximum level as possible.
  2. Better outreach tor Advertisers– The employees shall reach out to advertisers very often and understand their needs and requirements in a much better way.
  3. Try Experiments in Pricing Rules – Experiment in Pricing Rules will help in getting good eCPms on Ad Inventories.
  4. The Global Ad Demand Drought is well known to everyone and employees are not to be blamed for the onset of recession or other factors such as shut down of DSP like Media Math.
  5. Keep Upskilling – The employees need to consistently upskill themselves to stay ahead in their knowledge quotient.
  6. Flexibility in approach towards a greater pay package– The employees need to adapt to the chnaging time which requires them to be flexible in demanding a greater package . It is very much relevant at a time when demand is less and asd revenue is not good .
  7. Have a Back Up Plan for in case you are laid off– The uncertainty of time will remain a feature of our lives now , hence the employees need to be prepared for any downsizing possibility and prepare for alternatives .
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