Arjit Sachdeva

In this Podcast of Programmatic Advertising , we have with us is Founder of Ad Tech Company VIDEO.AI VIDEO.AI has good monetization offerings for all Publishing Segments and Variety of Advertising Options available for Advertisers. The Company has a global presence.

In this PoDcast we discuss important Questions Pertaining to Ad Tech such as

1. What is the most sought after platform for Advertising in terms of Viewability and Conversions.

2. What steps you are taking to ensure Brand Safety and Ad Fraud for Advertisers on any Publishing Platform?

3. How viewability optimization is done on campaign level for advertisers since Viewability is one of the major ROI metric for advertisers.

4. How is the relevance of CDPs ,DMPs and CRMs is going to increase after we enter in a world without cookies and GIDs ?

5. What Pro Active Steps are being taken by Ad Tech Companies to enhance data safety and security while creating new ways of Audience segments through CDPs?

7. What is the most challenging thing you are facing in Programmatic Advertising at present .

8. What steps you are taking to combat the Ad Demand Drought for many Publishing segments, since many Advertisers are switching over to other Publishing platforms like CTV and DOOH.

9. Since you are directly witnessing the paradigm shift in Advertising, how do you think the CTV and DOOH Advertising will span out in next two years?

10. How AI and Machine Learning is helping Programmatic Advertising segments ?

11. Segments like Frequency Capping, Sequential Re Targeting ,Ad Engagement Tracking ,Ad Scheduling has a lot of scope for improvement in future ,what your take upon it?

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