Programmatic advertising is the preferred choice for publishers who are in the know. The market has experienced remarkable growth, with a projected ad spend of $271 billion anticipated by 2025 in the US alone.

With the inclusion of top-notch ad templates and ad inventory, programmatic ads enable publishers to optimize user experience and boost user retention. Over time, these metrics directly contribute to increased revenue for publishers.

With the abundance of programmatic ad platforms in the market, publishers often face the challenge of selecting the most suitable one for their needs. The curated selection of programmatic ad platforms aims to provide a comprehensive answer to this question.

1. Google Ad Manager

Google Ad Manager is a programmatic advertising platform designed for large publishers who generate substantial traffic and revenue. It provides publishers with advanced tools to effectively manage and optimize their ad revenue. With real-time bidding, advertisers have the opportunity to secure prime ad spaces, while publishers can effectively manage their ad inventory and reach specific target audiences.

The Google ad exchange platform offers automated optimization and dynamic allocation, allowing advertisers to fine-tune campaigns based on performance indicators such as cost per action or click. Publishers can efficiently distribute ad spaces to various demand sources.

This all-inclusive platform provides a streamlined pricing system, enabling publishers to establish bidding parameters for potential buyers and optimize their earnings from ad impressions.

Main Features

  • Introducing a cutting-edge programmatic ad solution designed specifically for publishers.
  • An all-inclusive ad revenue solution
  • Efficiently handle numerous client accounts for Google digital ads
  • Gain immediate access to up-to-date audience data with real-time reporting.
  • Utilizing automated optimization techniques to enhance performance metrics
  • Optimizing allocation for maximum yield
  • Establishing standardized pricing rules for inventory or header bidding

What is needed

If you have a Google account and an active AdSense account
Ensure that the minimum balance of $100 is maintained for monthly payments.
Ensure that you meet all the necessary requirements for utilizing Display & Video 360, such as having a functional website with high-quality content and adhering to relevant laws and regulations.


GAM pricing rules are highly flexible and can be customized to suit your needs. You have the option to choose from CPM, CPC, CPA models, or even implement unified pricing rules. This allows you to have full control over how you want to price your products or services.

There are two versions available: Google Ad Manager, which is free, and Google Ad Manager 360, which requires a payment.

It also provides support for Inventory of Advertising Space Online Platforms such as :

  • Mobile applications
  • Video content and games.
  • Connected TVs and streaming devices have become increasingly popular in recent years.
  • Creating audio content and effectively reaching your target audience.
  • Target specific audiences by their interests, demographics, and location
  • Utilize advanced reporting techniques to maximize the effectiveness of campaigns

Target specific audiences by their interests, demographics, and location

  • Utilize advanced reporting techniques to maximize the effectiveness of campaigns
  • The platform offers a range of powerful features, including automated bidding, dynamic creative optimization (DCO), and cross-device tracking.
  • Ensuring Fraud Prevention and Safety Measures
  • Screening pages to identify potential inventory issues
  • Detecting fraud, suboptimal viewability, and brand violation through pre-bid filtering
  • Ensuring compliance with industry standards

2. The Trade Desk

Main Features

  • Utilizing cutting-edge technology for efficient and effective marketing automation
  • Data and services that provide added value
  • A convenient online platform that allows users to easily create, manage, and enhance their digital advertising campaigns.
  • Efficiently reaching out to potential customers and effectively connecting with current customers through highly tailored advertisements

What is needed

  • Already have an account with The Trade Desk?
  • Establish campaign objectives and goals
  • Develop ad creatives that align with the platform’s specifications
  • Identify your target audience and establish a budget
  • Explore a range of buying options including CPM, CPC, or CPA

Flexible Pricing

  • The pricing model allows you to pay as you go, without any long-term commitments or minimums.
  • Fixed pricing available for larger campaigns
  • Special pricing available for customers who purchase in large quantities
  • Tailored pricing options designed specifically for the enterprise customers

Supported Ad Inventory

  • Advertising banners
  • Video ads Audio ads
  • Mobile applications
  • CTV

Reaching the Right Audience

  • Utilizing user identity and device information to deliver targeted ads in real-time Creating personalized ad experiences tailored to each individual customer
  • Gaining valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences from a variety of data sources
  • Identifying and reaching out to audiences with high conversion potential to maximize return on investment
  • Utilizing cutting-edge analytics and reporting techniques to measure performance and refine strategies

Ensuring Fraud Prevention and Safety

  • Implementing pre-bid fraud detection to effectively filter out questionable inventory
  • Implementing post-bid fraud detection to accurately identify and prevent fraudulent impressions
  • Implementing brand safety measures such as keyword blocking and contextual analysis is crucial to ensure that ads are displayed in suitable environments.

3. PubMatic

PubMatic is a leading player in the digital advertising industry, offering innovative solutions for publishers and advertisers in the online advertising ecosystem. Established in 2006, its headquarters are located in Redwood City, California. PubMatic’s platform provides programmatic advertising capabilities, such as real-time bidding (RTB), header bidding, and other technologies that empower publishers to optimize their ad revenue and help advertisers efficiently reach their target audience.

The platform empowers publishers to effectively manage and optimize their ad inventory, while also offering valuable data and analytics to inform strategic decisions regarding ad placements and pricing. PubMatic’s technology on the advertiser side enables more efficient and data-driven ad buying, helping advertisers reach their desired audience segments.

Key Features

  • Exclusive marketplace featuring premium ad inventory
  • Various advertising formats and channel options
  • Get powerful insights with real-time analytics
  • Introducing OpenWrap, a cutting-edge bidding solution designed to streamline customer management and optimization.
  • An efficient tool for managing IDs
  • Comprehensive, up-to-the-minute analytics
  • Optimize your yield with cutting-edge real-time bidding technology
  • Providing data-driven insights to optimize ad campaign strategies
  • Strategies to counteract the impact of ad blockers


  • Publisher properties need to achieve a minimum combined NewsGuard score of 60.
  • User engagement is crucial for publisher properties.
  • The primary focus should be on providing valuable content, with minimal advertising presence.
  • Content that contains explicit sexual material, arms, ammunition, hate speech, illegal drugs, and similar subjects is strictly prohibited


  • Tailored plans to suit specific needs

Supported Ad Inventory

  • CTV
  • OTT
  • Display ads
  • Video ads
  • Mobile ads
  • Native ads
  • Banner ads 
  • In-app advertising
  • Native ads

Audience Segmentation

  • PubMatic’s Connect platform offers a wide range of signal approaches, such as known identity, first- and second-party data, contextual signals, seller-defined audiences, and modeled audiences.
  • The platform simplifies the implementation of cookie-alternative targeting strategies in one convenient location
  • Publishers can now access a wide range of ad formats, allowing them to expand their offerings and boost their ad revenue. This includes access to a global omnichannel inventory, providing a diverse range of advertising options.
  • Having the ability to determine the timing of ad displays (Dayparting) and the frequency at which they are shown to users (Frequency capping)
  • Utilizing custom audiences, such as email addresses or customer IDs, and Lookalike audiences that resemble your current customer base
  • Considering the context of ad placement involves factors like the content of the page or app, as well as the device being used (desktop, mobile, tablet).

Ensuring the highest level of security and fraud prevention

  • Ensures the protection of publisher’s audiences by utilizing real-time scanning and forming strategic partnerships across various ad formats, channels, and screens.
  • Implements a program to ensure protection against fraudulent activities, offering refunds in the event of ad fraud detection.

4. Adobe Advertising Cloud

Adobe Advertising Cloud is a component of Adobe’s comprehensive Adobe Experience Cloud suite, which also includes the Adobe Marketing Cloud and the Adobe Analytics Cloud. The platform is designed to be a comprehensive ad exchange solution, enabling businesses to effectively reach their desired audience using a variety of ad formats. This platform is designed to make ad campaign management easy and efficient. It provides a range of advanced tools to help you optimize performance and keep track of your results.

This platform offers extensive support for programmatic ads across multiple channels, such as display, video, mobile, search, and social media. With its real-time analytics, users can quickly make adjustments to bids and budgets, guaranteeing the best return on investment.

Adobe Advertising Cloud effortlessly integrates with other Adobe products such as Analytics, Target, and Adobe Audience Manager—Adobe’s data management platform (DMP). With its ability to capture and analyze customer behavior and preferences, it offers a comprehensive understanding of the target audience. This ultimately improves data-driven marketing strategies and enhances ad performance.

Key Features

  • An all-inclusive solution for managing campaigns across multiple channels
  • Utilize sophisticated audience targeting, segmentation, and bidding features
  • Get instant access to analytics and reporting to gain valuable insights into performance.
  • Thorough analysis of user engagement and metrics


  • Sign up and enter essential business details on the Adobe Advertising Cloud platform
  • Please provide the necessary documents to verify your identity and ownership.
  • Develop a comprehensive campaign strategy that includes specific targeting criteria, a well-defined budget, and innovative creative ideas.
  • Ensure campaign strategy receives approval from Adobe’s team of experts

Flexible pricing options available for small businesses

The enterprise plans offer a range of additional features and dedicated support tailored for larger businesses.

Supported Ad Inventory

  • Traditional display ads
  • Video ads
  • Audio ads
  • Mobile ads 
  • Native ads

Audience Targeting

  • Target based on demographics, interests, and behaviors
  • Create custom segments using multiple data sources
  • Leverage third-party data providers for accurate targeting
  • Use predictive analytics to identify ideal audiences
  • Target users across multiple platforms and devices

Anti-fraud/Safety Measures

  • Fraud prevention measures to reduce financial risk
  • Defense-in-depth approach and security procedures
  • Brand safety tools to avoid suspicious impressions and poor ad placement
  • Data encryption solutions
  • Appropriate administrative, technical, and physical security controls

5. Xandr

Xandr, a programmatic ad exchange platform owned by Microsoft, excels at simplifying the process of buying and selling digital advertising. This versatile platform is favored by both advertisers and publishers for its powerful combination of automated technology, data, and identity solutions that provide immense value for businesses seeking to connect with their desired audiences on multiple screens.

Xandr stands out with its powerful audience analysis tools that provide publishers with valuable insights into their audience’s interests and preferences, along with its emphasis on video ads. With the help of these valuable insights, publishers can customize their ad campaigns to effectively engage their desired audience and achieve optimal returns on investment.

Key Features

  • End-to-end platform for scalable programmatic campaigns
  • Automated ad inventory buying
  • Global premium advertising marketplace
  • Variety of ad formats including connected TV, mobile, video, audio and display
  • Comprehensive analytics to measure campaign performance


  • Creative formats must be approved based on specs guidelines
  • Adhere to Xandr’s Advertising Terms & Conditions
  • Set up a Network-level Ad Quality Profile
  • Political advertising is permitted in the US but requires additional information such as state and local regulations


  • Pay-per-impression (CPM)
  • Cost per click (CPC)
  • Cost per acquisition (CPA)
  • Pay a fixed fee for an agreed upon number of impressions or clicks.

Supported Ad Inventory

  • Banner ads
  • Video ads
  • Mobile ads
  • Privacy and function macros
  • Third-party providers
  • Ads.txt and app-ads.txt initiatives.

Audience Targeting

  • Targeting by demographics, such as age, gender, and location
  • Target specific interests and behaviors
  • Target users based on their device type or operating system
  • Target users who have interacted with an advertiser’s website or app
  • Create custom audiences and retarget them with ads

Anti-fraud/Safety Measures

  • Privacy policies that deter malicious and illegal activity.
  • Content policies that prohibit objectionable content.
  • Partnered with to prevent malvertising and offer clean experiences for consumers.

6. Criteo

Criteo is well-regarded for its proficiency in retargeting, a form of online advertising that focuses on users who have previously visited a website or interacted with a brand but did not complete a purchase. The company utilizes data and algorithms to provide tailored and meaningful advertisements to these users, motivating them to come back and finalize a purchase.

At Criteo, our solutions utilize cookies and other advanced technologies to closely monitor user behavior. This allows us to gather valuable insights and enhance ad targeting and campaign performance.

Criteo is a powerful technology platform that empowers publishers to efficiently manage and enhance their advertising inventory. At Criteo, we empower publishers by equipping them with the necessary tools and resources to effectively connect with various demand sources, including advertisers, agencies, and ad networks. Our goal is to help publishers optimize the value of their available ad space.

These features, such as header bidding and yield management, are specifically designed to assist publishers in effectively and lucratively managing their digital ad ops.

Key Features

  • Offers its services to publishers with modest website traffic
  • Criteo places an emphasis on retargeting
  • Leverages dynamic retargeting and contextual advertising strategies
  • Provides access to an extensive commerce dataset of a substantial size
  • Starts and expands retail media solutions
  • Use AI-driven analytics to derive performance insights


  • No minimum traffic requirements
  • Avoid deceptive incentives to encourage third-party clicks
  • Refrain from tactics such as providing incentives for ad clicks


  • Offers a performance-based pricing model

Supported Ad Inventory

  • Social media ads
  • Video ads
  • Display ads
  • Web and mobile ads

Audience Targeting

  • The platform offers an AI Engine for lookalike audiences, product recommendations, dynamic creative optimization, and predictive bidding
  • It enables targeting of new potential customers based on their product interests, lifestyles, locations, and demographics through lookalike modeling
  • Re-engage existing customers by connecting customer data and targeting lapsed or loyal customers with dynamic ads that promote additional products.
  • Use a comprehensive commerce data set to uncover valuable insights about your top customers’ journey and behavior.

Anti-Fraud/Safety Measures

  • Uses advanced image recognition technology to filter prohibited content from publishers’ digital properties

7. Smarty Ads

SmartyAds is a comprehensive programmatic ad tech partner for publishers and app developers. With a strong emphasis on optimizing ad revenues, the company prioritizes full transparency and control over ad inventory.

As a marketing coordinator, you have the advantage of accessing premium buyers through private marketplaces (PMPs), utilizing real-time bidding (RTB) auctions for unsold inventory, and benefiting from competitive pricing through programmatic direct sales.

SmartyAds utilizes advanced machine learning algorithms to optimize pricing, while seamlessly integrating header bidding to increase demand sources. Additionally, SmartyAds actively participates in private marketplace deals to enhance transparency and improve eCPMs. In addition to efficient inventory management, the platform provides support for a wide range of ad formats, such as video and mobile.

Key Features

  • Offers optimization techniques for campaign performance
  • Provides real-time analytics and reporting for campaign success measurement.
  • CPCCPM, and CPV for result-based payments
  • Use adaptive CPM for competitive bidding.
  • Includes a click booster for increased ad campaign clicks
  • Features a white-label ad exchange platform, Smart Hub, with more than 25,000 publishers and 2 billion daily impressions


  • No minimum traffic requirement for publishers


  • Pricing varies depending on ad format, targeting, and audience size

Supported Ad Inventory

  • Display and banner ads
  • Native ads
  • Text and video ads
  • Mobile and web ads
  • In-app ads

Audience Targeting

  • Target specific time slots for ad display
  • Pick the preferred user device
  • Select the preferred OS
  • Use frequency capping to avoid ad fatigue
  • Implement negative targeting to exclude specific audiences
  • Segment the audience by demographics
  • Tailor campaigns for specific geographical locations down to zip code levels
  • Comprehensive geographic targeting for specific marketing objectives
  • Engage in retargeting to reach users who visited but didn’t convert
  • Employ retargeting cookie-matching for effective user follow-up
  • Track conversions to measure the effectiveness of ad campaigns
  • Monitor interaction events to gauge ad performance
  • Secure returns by targeting a highly specific audience based on engagement

Anti-Fraud/Safety Measures

  • Integrated with 24/7 traffic safety providers to prevent fraud and malicious content.

8. Smaato

Smaato is a digital ad tech platform that empowers mobile app developers and publishers to generate revenue from their apps and websites through ad display. With Smaato’s platform, you can easily buy and sell mobile advertising space using real-time bidding (RTB) and programmatic advertising.

Smaato provides a variety of tools and services to assist publishers and advertisers in maximizing their mobile advertising endeavors. Our platform offers a range of features, including ad mediation, ad serving, and audience targeting. With Smaato, advertisers can effectively reach their desired audiences, while publishers can optimize their revenue by utilizing ad spaces.

Smaato provides a wide range of solutions for digital monetization and advertising. Our SPX Monetization Solution offers a range of features to help publishers maximize their ad revenue. With integration tools, mediation options, programmatic deals, and header bidding, we provide the tools needed to optimize ad revenue.

Key Features

  • Smaato’s in-app header-bidding solution empowers publishers with real-time pricing competition for better control, increased fill rates, and higher eCPMs
  • A dedicated platform for publishers (SPX) is designed to meet their unique needs and objectives


  • Prohibits unmoderated user-generated content (UGC), video chat, live streaming
  • No websites or content under construction allowed.
  • Publisher properties must be directly owned, operated, or controlled, exceptions require Smaato approval.


  • Custom

Supported Ad Inventory

  • Display ads
  • Banner ads
  • Native ads
  • Text ads
  • Video ads
  • Mobile web ads
  • Mobile in-app ads

Audience Targeting

  • Verve Behavioral audience segments
  • Precision targeting through pre-packaged deals 
  • Provide highly personalized experiences through optimized contextual targeting

Anti-Fraud/Safety Measures

  • Manually approves new publishers
  • Employs cutting-edge technology to conduct periodic traffic assessments, ensuring a multi-layered verification process that maintains transparent and accountable traffic consistently
  • An established team focused solely on traffic quality

9. AdPushUP

AdPushup, established in 2014, is a technology and revenue optimization platform created for digital publishers and website owners.

AdPushup provides publishers with a user-friendly interface that allows them to conduct A/B testing on ad layouts, sizes, and formats. This empowers publishers to determine the most effective ad configurations for their websites. By utilizing a data-driven approach, publishers can optimize the user experience and boost their ad revenues.

AdPushup’s standout feature is its seamless integration with popular ad networks like Google AdSense, giving publishers access to a wide variety of ad demand sources. The platform also offers comprehensive analytics and reporting, enabling publishers to monitor the effectiveness of their ads and make well-informed decisions to enhance their monetization strategies.

Key Features

  • AdRecover enables publishers to monetize ad-blocked inventory
  • Facilitates easy implementation of client-side, server-side, or hybrid header bidding
  • Provides ad layout optimization services
  • Offers ad mediation capabilities
  • Supports AMP ads and A/B testing
  • Includes comprehensive reporting, advanced analytics, and good customer support


  • Requires over $5,000 in monthly ad revenue.


  • Provides tailored revenue-sharing plans.

Supported Ad Inventory

  • Sticky ads
  • Docked ads
  • In-image ads
  • Native ads
  • In-content ads 
  • In view ads
  • Banner ads

Audience Targeting

  • FirstAudience is an AI-driven audience management tool that provides context analysis and content and interest-based ad targeting

Anti-Fraud/Safety Measures

  • Uses in-house and third-party tech to assist partners in addressing prevalent security threats.


With the merger of Rubicon Project and Telaria, Magnite offers a powerful digital advertising platform that enables publishers and advertisers to efficiently manage and enhance their programmatic advertising campaigns. It provides a range of solutions to streamline the process of buying and selling digital advertising inventory using automation and data-driven methods.

Magnite’s services are centered around simplifying the complexities of digital advertising. The platform provides publishers with access to private marketplace (PMP) and programmatic guaranteed (PG) and real-time auction deals.

Key Features

  • Customize reports in real time
  • Manage ad pods for inventory optimization
  • Support omnichannel advertising
  • Access premium video inventory via Clearline
  • Handle various programmatic deals
  • Manage audience data
  • Monetize live streams
  • Configure and optimize headers with real-time analytics


  • Adherence to Inventory Quality Guidelines is mandatory
  • No promotion of illegal content or violation of laws
  • No unauthorized use of content or intellectual property
  • Prohibits obscene, pornographic, or adult content


  • Pricing can vary depending on the services and solutions required.

Supported Ad Inventory

  • CTV
  • Video
  • Mobile
  • Display
  • Audio 
  • DOOH

Audience Targeting

  • Enables seamless creation, segmentation, and synchronization of audiences using Magnite DMP

Anti-Fraud/Safety Measures

  • Dedicated IQ team for guideline enforcement and brand protection
  • Publisher review process for vetting new seller accounts and their inventory
  • Pre-impression filtering to identify and filter out potential ad fraud
  • Post-impression monitoring to maintain low non-human traffic levels
  • Investigation of traffic claimed to be invalid by buyers
  • Adoption of Ads.txt for authorized traffic declaration
  • Addressing contextual brand safety and viewability concerns with individual buyers, including in-app inventory

11. Publift

Publift is a top programmatic advertising provider and a Google Certified Publishing Partner that specializes in ad technology, setup strategy, and optimization. Publift offers access to premium demand sources, real-time bidding (RTB) optimization, and data-driven yield management, resulting in a substantial 55% increase in publisher revenue.

Publift offers a range of reporting and analytics tools to help publishers track campaign performance and make data-driven decisions for optimization.

Publift has received multiple prestigious awards, such as The Drum APAC Best Sell-Side Technology for Programmatic Trading in October 2019, recognition by Deloitte Technology Fast 50, and the Google Certified Publishing Partner Transformer Award. Publift has gained a strong reputation among publishers looking for a successful programmatic advertising solution, thanks to its innovative custom solutions and outstanding customer service.

Key Features

  • All-in-one adtech solution for publishers
  • Utilizes latest programmatic monetization technologies like header bidding and Google Exchange Bidding
  • Facilitates private marketplace deal management and provides access to exclusive PMP deals
  • Automated reporting platform offers revenue and granular data in one dashboard
  • Provides ad layout optimization services for each site
  • Has established partnerships and networks for maximum results
  • GCPP certified with no-lock-in contracts, customer support, and high-quality ads.


  • At least $2,000 in monthly earnings
  • More than 500,000 monthly pageviews
  • Quality content that is not plagiarized, explicit, or derogatory


  • Custom plans tailored to fit different budgets and needs

Supported Ad Inventory

  • Display ads
  • Video ads
  • Mobile ads
  • Native ads
  • Audio ads
  • Social media ads

Audience Targeting

  • Target users based on location, age, gender, and device type
  • Create custom audiences using behavior and interest data
  • Retarget users who have engaged with previous ads
  • Utilize third-party data for precise audience targeting

Anti-fraud/Safety Measures

  • Offers page screening for detecting faulty inventory
  • Pre-bid filtering for detecting fraud, suboptimal viewability, and brand violation
  • Ensures compliance with industry standards.

12. MonetizeMore

MonetizeMore is a platform that connects publishers with advertisers, enabling them to effectively monetize their content. Our range of services includes ad inventory management, optimization, header bidding, and programmatic advertising.

MonetizeMore has been helping publishers increase their revenue since 2010. They offer real-time reporting and analytics to provide publishers with a comprehensive understanding of their ad performance and revenue.


To get started with MonetizeMore, pageviews don’t matter, but the primary requirement is that monthly ad revenue is at least $1,000.

Payment details

MonetizeMore offers publishers a revenue share model, and it shows your revenue share numbers in its monthly reporting. The customer should pay the equivalent of 20% of the total monthly AdX revenue fees.

Payment threshold: $100

Payment type: Net 30 

Payment method: PayPal, ACH transactions, wire transfer

13. Ezoic

Ezoic is a company specializing in monetization, utilizing advanced AI and machine learning techniques to optimize the placement of advertisements. The ad optimization process utilizes data to choose the most effective layouts, increasing engagement and generating more revenue. With its extensive support and popularity among bloggers and marketers, it’s a top choice for those looking to expand their monetization strategies.


Monetization features are available to all sites. 

Ezoic has removed pageview requirements, but sites with less than 10,000 pageviews must join through a program “Access Now.”

Payment details 

Payment threshold: 20$

Payment type: Net 30, Net 60, Net 90 (with Net 60 or Net 90, you can get a bonus from Ezoic, which is calculated based on your monthly earnings)

Payment methods: direct bank transfer (Payoneer), PayPal, check

14. Snigel

Snigel is a top-notch ad monetization solution founded by experienced executives from Google. Our platform provides publishers with a comprehensive ad setup and strategy, along with personalized support and cutting-edge AI-powered optimization.

Snigel is dedicated to helping publishers maximize their ad revenue by prioritizing fast page load times and positive user experiences. Our team of ad tech experts is committed to providing tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of each publisher. It primarily caters to large publishers, but also takes into account websites with high-quality content or significant growth potential.

What is needed

Snigel assesses websites that generate around $50 USD per day. However, it’s worth considering evaluating websites that fall below this threshold but show potential for growth or have high-quality content.

They prefer websites with a minimum traffic of 100k monthly page views, ideally with a significant portion of the traffic coming from tier 1 geographic locations.

Payment information

Contracts with no long-term commitments.

Snigel deducts a 20% service fee from your ad revenue once you reach the payment threshold.

Payment terms: Net 30 days

Accepted payment methods include Wire Transfer and Transferwise.

15. Yieldbird

Yieldbird is a company that operates on a global scale and focuses on managing ads and optimizing ad inventory. Having a decade of industry experience, we have successfully served clients in over 30 countries across Asia, Europe, and Latin America.

Yieldbird assists publishers in optimizing their revenue through programmatic strategies. Yieldbird helps more than 250 publishers enhance and maximize their ad monetization.


Yieldbird has a preference for websites that receive 10,000 or more page views per month. Ensuring compliance with Google’s ad placement and content policies is crucial for the publisher’s site.

Payment information
Payment threshold: $50

Payment terms: Net 30 for AdX and Net 65 for other SSPs.

We accept payments through PayPal and bank transfers.

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