So I will share again the next top 20 Words in Alphabet A Series , which will increase your vocabulary by significant strength.

The List of of Top 20 Words in Alphabet A Series -2 is given below:

  1. Adduce– To Provide Evidence- It is important to adduce enough evidence when defending your client in Courtroom.
  2. Adept– Good at doing something which is quite difficult- He is adapt at fast moving in difficult terrains.
  3. Ad infinitum-without coming to end ever-The vicious circle of financial situation has become ad infinitum for Manoj.
  4. Adjure– To Ask Something or to Order- He asked them to tell the Truth.
  5. Admonish– To warn or to order not to do something-He strictly admonished him not to do that again.
  6. Adroit– Skillful in Dealing with People -He is adroit with Politicians.
  7. Adumbrate– To give a general idea about something without giving details- He adumbrated out places to Visit in Bombay without actually telling how to visit them.
  8. Advent– The Coming of an important event . The advent of New Technology.
  9. Adventitious-Happening by accident not planned- The adventitious trip to Shimla.
  10. Affable– Pleasant, Easy and Friendly to Talk to.
  11. Affectation-Irritating behavior to impress others- His affectation irritated her.
  12. Affinity– Strong feeling of Like .His affinity for reading made him a scholar.
  13. Affirmative– A Positive Statement like saying Yes- An affirmative Response to the question.
  14. Afflict– To affect in a harmful way- The areas were afflicted in a Harmful Manner.
  15. Affluent– Having lot of Money- He is an affluent Man.
  16. Affront– An Insulting Remark or Action. He made an affront remark against the leader of the community.
  17. Aficionado– A Person who likes a particular activity, sports, activity , subject or knows very much about them. A Running aficionado.
  18. Aggrandizement- An Increase in the power or importance of a person or Country. The aggrandizement of Dictators is bad for the People.
  19. Aghast– Filled with Horror and Surprise. He was aghast after seeing sight of War.
  20. Agile – To be able to move quickly and easily-His agile movements made him a Fast Runner.
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