Words are the jewels of your language .The words you chose to write and speak have a very deep impact on others .So lets discuss the top 20 Words in Alphabet Series A Part 5 :

  1. Approbation– Approval or Agreement-The King received the official Approbation from the Church.
  2. Appropriation– The act of taking something which belongs to someone else. Dishonest appropriation of Property.
  3. Approximation-Estimation-An approximation of numbers.
  4. Appurtenance-A thing that forms a parts of larger something or more important.
  5. A priori– Using facts or Principles that are known to be true in order to decide what are the probable effects or results of something- A Priori assumption.
  6. Apropos– Concerning or related to something .
  7. Arcane– Secret or Mysterious, therefore difficult to understand. The arcane rules of the game.
  8. Archetypal– A typical quality of a group or something – The Beatles were an archetypal group.
  9. Archipelago– A Group of islands and Sea Surrounding them-Andaman and Nicobar Islands Archipelago.
  10. Archetype– The Perfect Example of something- Shahrukh is an archetype of an ideal Family Man.
  11. Architectonic– Connected with Architecture or Architects .
  12. Archive– A Place were collection of documents or records are stored online as well as offline- An archive of written letters by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.
  13. Ardent– Very Enthusiastic and showing strong feelings about somethings- Passionate- He is a ardent follower of Donald Trump.
  14. Ardor– Very Strong feeling of Enthusiasm or Love- His Romantic Ardor for her was exemplary.
  15. Arduous– Involving a lot of energy and hardwork over a period of time- He put in a lot arduous effor to dig the tunnel.
  16. Argy-bargy– Noisy Disagreement- An argy-bargy discussion is worse when talking with illogical people.
  17. Arrant– It is used to emphasize , how bad something or somebody is – An arrant behavior.
  18. Array-A Group of collection of things which is very impressive-An array of flowers.
  19. Arriviste– A Person who is determine to be a part of group or society to which he actually does not belong- The Blacks of America were considered arriviste till the American Revolution happened.
  20. Arrogate– To Claim or take something which you have no right to . I cant arrogate myself to be legal heir of Arora Family.
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Nishu Kumari

Nishu Kumari is the Founder of the website www.gigconnects.in. She is a third year law student at Faculty of Law, Delhi University.

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