A Good Vocabulary is the Backbone of your Language used in Writing and Speaking English. We continue the series in Alphabet A.

  1. Arsenal– A Collection of Weapons such as Guns and Explosives .
  2. Artefact– An object made by a Person with a Historical and Architectural Importance.
  3. Arteriosclerosis– A Condition in which the walls of the arteries become thick and hard making it difficult for blood to flow.
  4. Arteries-Tubes that carry blood from Heart to other parts of the Body.
  5. Artful– Clever at getting what you want sometimes by not telling the Truth. Cunning- He was artful in Political Matters.
  6. Articulate– To Express and Explain your thoughts clearly. He articulated his statement very effectively.
  7. Articulator– An Organ in the Mouth used for making speeches such as Tongue , Lips or Teeth.
  8. Artifice– Clever use of Tricks to Cheat. The artifices of theatre.
  9. Artisan– A person who uses skilled works to making things with their hands .
  10. Artistic– Connected with Artists.
  11. Ascendancy -The Position of having power or influence. The opposition party was in the ascendancy.
  12. Ascent– The Process of Moving Forward to a better position for making progress.
  13. Ascetic– Not allowing yourself physical pleasures especially for religious reasons.
  14. Asperity– The Act of being rough or severe specially in the way you speak or treat. He spoke with greater asperity.
  15. Aspersions -Critical or Unpleasant Remarks Or Judgements. He made big aspersions on the new movie released.
  16. Asphyxia-The state of being unable to breathe causing death or loss of consciousness. He died of Asphyxia.
  17. Assent– Official Agreement or Approval. An assent has been given for the Dam Project .
  18. Assiduous– Hardworking, Diligent. He is an Assiduous Worker.
  19. Assignation– A secret meeting especially with a lover. He made several assignations with his X .
  20. Assimilate– To Fully understand an idea or some information that you are able to use it yourself. I have completely assimilated the idea of using my Vocabulary power for greater good .
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