A Good Vocabulary is the base of having good reading and writing skills. It helps you in comprehending the passage section well in competitive Exam Like CAT and MAT. It will also help you make your way in much coveted Indian Institute of Management.

The List of top 20 Words is mentioned below:

  1. Ape– To Copy or to do something in a cheap way. The Hollywood has merely aped regional movies’ since a long time.
  2. Aphasia– The Loss of ability to understand or produce speech because of brain damage .
  3. Aplenty– In Large Amounts , more than what is needed. Aplenty criticism makes things toxic.
  4. Aplomb– To do something in a difficult situation in a confident way. He achieved what he needed to achieve with Aplomb in Trying situation.
  5. Apnea-Breathing difficulty in sleep. The pre mature baby born had problem of apnea due to under developed Lungs.
  6. Apocalyptic– Destruction of the World, something very much destructive on mass scale .
  7. Apogee– The Highest Point of most successful. He was at apogee of his career.
  8. Apolitical– A Person not interested in Politics. His opinions are apolitcal.
  9. Apoplectic- Very Angry- He was apoplectic at the outcome of the elections.
  10. Apostate– A person who has rejected their religious or Political Beliefs .Mohan was a strict apostate.
  11. Apostle – A Believer of a Policy or an Idea. He was an apostle of unity in diversity.
  12. Apothecary– A Person who made and sold medicines in the past. Mohan was an apothecary of generic drugs.
  13. Apotheosis-The Best Time in Someone’s Life and Career. The Apotheosis of a Leader.
  14. Appalling– Shocking-The Judge gave an appalling statement.
  15. Apparition– Image of a Ghost has been reported. An apparition of a ghost has been reported.
  16. Appendage – To add something to a piece of Writing. The writer appended foot notes in the last section.
  17. Appertain– To belong to or refer something. These figures appertain to last year sales.
  18. Apposite– Very Appropriate for a particular situation or in relation. Her remarks are extremely apposite to the present discussion.
  19. Apprehension– The Worry of Something Unpleasant may happen. There is a growing apprehension of War.
  20. Apprise– To Inform Something- He was apprised of the developments in War.
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Nishu Kumari

Nishu Kumari is the Founder of the website www.gigconnects.in. She is a third year law student at Faculty of Law, Delhi University.

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