Using one of the most captivating content formats, programmatic video advertising has completely changed how marketers connect with their target market. This kind of video advertising boosts impressions and shows targeted ads to the appropriate audience, as 75% of web videos play automatically. To help you employ programmatic video advertisements in your marketing campaigns, we will go over exactly how to use them in this article.

Programmatic Advertising: What Is It?

Programmatic media is becoming a must for businesses looking to expand through paid advertising. Numerous channels exist, such as programmatic display ads, but they all employ real-time bidding on ad space contingent on predetermined parameters, such as a predetermined budget and target audience. The marketer’s data and money are then used by the programmatic ad platform to display their advertisement to a target audience that meets their criteria. This guarantees faster, more pertinent, and targeted ad impressions.

Locations for the Display of Video Ads

Similar to other programmatic media advertising channels, video adverts can be utilised across numerous platforms and channels. Marketers may contact their audiences whenever, wherever, and however they see fit thanks to these platforms.

Your video advertising may appear on the following platforms, based on the programmatic ad network you choose:

  • Social media platforms (TikTok, Instagram, Facebook)
  • Ads in-app for Over-the-Top (OTT) devices
  • CTV stands for connected television.
  • Online video advertisements (desktop and mobile)

Video Ads Formats

While creating your campaign, keep the following several forms of video advertisements in mind.

Live-streaming Video

An in-stream video is something you’ve probably seen if you’ve ever viewed a YouTube video. Three categories of in-stream videos exist. Pre-roll videos are those that play for 15 to 30 seconds prior to the main video. A TV commercial-style video plays in the middle of some videos, known as mid-roll videos. Finally, post-roll videos play at the conclusion of the film.

External Video

These are the video advertisements that appear in the center of web articles. They immediately play when the video is onscreen, making them very watchable and increasing your profits and CPM.

Interstitial Video

Full-screen advertising, or interstitials, take up the whole screen of the app in which they appear. They are usually seen during naturally occurring transitions, like the breaks in between activities or game levels. The user of an app can choose to either tap on the advertisement to explore the offering or close it and go back to the app.

Original Video

Video material that is produced especially for a particular platform is known as native advertising. It appears as though it was made especially for Instagram Reels when it is presented on that platform. Because your audience has preconceived notions about the looks and feel of TikTok videos, the advertisement that is being presented should reflect those expectations. This facilitates a seamless experience instead of interfering with the way a user consumes content.

Reward Film

Everybody has played Candy Crush or a comparable mobile game. Users choose to watch reward videos in order to gain extra life, bonuses, or features in games. This video therefore provides some assistance for your journey when Duo (the owl from Duolingo) messages you about brushing up on your German. Rather than a B2B company, eCommerce brands are more likely to use these.

Guidelines for Effective Programmatic Video Ads

It won’t be enough to only serve programmatic video advertisements. It’s not always simple to attract demand and attention, as we are all aware. Here are some best practices to help you achieve that with your ads.

Create Content That Scrolls

Your advertisement must be excellent if you want to stop your user’s fingers from constantly scrolling. Content is king, as usual, and it deserves to be treated with respect. You’ll probably get better results if you make use of popular memes and trends, create something genuinely original, and put some work into your film.

Create a Target Audience for Your Campaign

You now have some excellent video content, therefore it’s time to create and target the right audience. It may take some time and perhaps the eye of an expert to discern the right balance between being too defined and too wide. But this is essential to a good delivery. First-party data from your CRM may be used on many platforms and has a lot of potential.

Locate Your Supply Source using a Programmatic Platform to Serve

You will need to locate a programmatic platform that can give you access to these channels in order to get your video in the locations you choose. A lot of the more sought-after spots are harder to get to, and others might call for an outside platform.

Deliver Your Programmatic Video Advertisements, Track, and Enhance

You have to let them run, just like with any paid media campaign. After you have some data to review, you ought to keep an eye on their performance and make any necessary optimizations. Even if they are operating at a high level, there can be some obvious adjustments that can optimize how you spend your money.

91% of companies utilize video as a marketing tool, and programmatic video advertisements appear to be gaining traction with the majority of ad spend. And there’s good justification for this. Video has been and still is a leading content creator. Digital marketing experts can assist in implementing this or any other programmatic media into your plan.

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