English Communication , reading and writing skills are very much required in order to compete in Exams Like Comman Aptitude Test (CAT), Management Aptitude Test (MAT), Hotel Management Exams for IHM , National Institute of Fashion Technology Exams , Comman University Entrance Exams, CLAT .A good vocabulary helps you comprehend well for all type of comprehensions and passages .

Hence, you should try to remember and use the words in your day to day writing and speaking so that you remember it long time.

Try reading Newspapers thoroughly and check for the words mentioned in this series to assess what you have learnt and remembered.

So lets start with series one of top 20 words starting with Alphabet A.

  1. Abate -It Means to become less strong .Sentence -The Storm showed no signs of abating.
  2. Aberration– A Behavior which is usually socially not acceptable -A childless woman was regarded as an aberration, almost a social outcast.
  3. Abhorrence– A Feeling of Strong hatred-He had an abhorrence of waste of any kind.
  4. Abjure-To Promise Publicly to give up something or Renounce (Synonym)-He abjured to abstain from violence .
  5. Abominable – Extremely Unpleasant and and Causing Disgust-The Judge described the attack as an Abominable Crime.
  6. Abortive- Unsuccessful- An abortive attempt to clear the Exam.
  7. Abrogate– To officially end law or agreement-The Multipole Marriage system was abrogated by Indian Government in 1950s.
  8. Absolve– To clear charges from all wrongdoings -The Court absolved him from all of the Sins.
  9. Accentuate – To Emphasize to Make it more Noticeable . Her short hair accentuated her Huge Eyes .
  10. Acclaim– To Praise of Welcome Publicly. The Work was acclaimed as Masterpiece.
  11. Accord– A Formal agreement between two organizations -The two parties signed a peace accord last July.
  12. Accost– To Speak in a rude or threatening manner- She accosted her on Road very badly for her actions.
  13. Accrue– To increase over a period of time- Interest will accrue over a Period of Time if you keep your money in savings account.
  14. Acolyte– A Person who follows or helps a leader- A good leader requires acolytes for smooth functioning of his party and policies.
  15. Acquiesce– To accept formally even without arguing even if you really do not agree with it- She explained her plan and reluctantly she acquiesced.
  16. Acquiesce– Angry and Full of Bitter Feelings and Words-His Parents went through an Acrimonious Divorce.
  17. Actualize– To make something really happen-He finally actualized his dreams.
  18. Actuate– To get Activated or To get Motivated- He was actuated by Malice or Ill Will.
  19. Acuity-The ability to to think or hear clearly-His acuity of vision helped him reach pinnacle in his career path.
  20. Addle– To unable to think clearly .He was completely addled after having few drinks.

Series 2 Will be having good Vocab List too. Till that please try to use and remember these words and I assure you it will be very helpful in improving your comprehension skills.

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Nishu Kumari

Nishu Kumari is the Founder of the website www.gigconnects.in. She is a third year law student at Faculty of Law, Delhi University.

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