Continuing the Vocabulary Series , here is the List of Top 20 Words in Alphabet Series A Part 4 .

  1. Anchorite– A Religious Person who lived and avoided people. He was a devout Anchorite.
  2. Angina-A Severe chest in the Pain Caused by a low supply of blood to the heart during exercise .
  3. Angioplasty– A Medical Operation to repair or open a blocked vessel. Angioplasty was carried out for Sourav Ganguly.
  4. Angst– A feeling of anxiety and worry about a situation or life .
  5. Animateur– A person whose job is to organize or encourage artistic social projects or activities.
  6. Animosity-A feeling of strong opposition or hatred. Strong animosity for hatred.
  7. Animus– A Strong feeling of opposition , anger or hatred.
  8. Annihilate – To Destroy Completely.
  9. Annotate– To Add Notes, To Give Explanations.
  10. Annuity– A Fixed amount of Money Paid to somebody each Year. Government Employees are pain annuity each year.
  11. Annul– To State officially that the Marriage is no longer valid.
  12. Anodyne -Unlikely to Cause Disagreement or offend anyone.
  13. Anomaly– A Different situation from Normal than expected.
  14. Antediluvian– Very Old Fashioned .His style of dressing is very much antediluvian.
  15. Antics – Behavior which is silly and funny. Mohan’s antics are quite laughable.
  16. Antipathy– A strong feeling of dislike.
  17. Antiquated-Old Fashioned.
  18. Antique– A piece of Furniture which is old and valuable.
  19. Antithesis– A contrast between two things.
  20. Apace– To grow at fast pace and speed.
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Nishu Kumari

Nishu Kumari is the Founder of the website She is a third year law student at Faculty of Law, Delhi University.

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